I Love Valentine's Day For as long as I can remember, I've loved Valentine's Day. To me, Valentine's Day represents hearts, candy, flowers and hand-made cards. My first recollection of Valentine's Day was when I must've been about four or five years old. My mom would sit us at the kitchen table with construction paper, paper doilies, pens/pencils, crayons and ribbon instructing us as we created what I thought were the most beautiful Valentine's Day cards in the world. Of course, they were all for my dad. Then when Valentine's Day came, we would each receive a pre-packaged chocolate marshmallow filled heart from my dad. He would place them on our dinner plates. That tradition lasted for years and years. I guess it was when I was a teenager dad began to gift us with other things, but the sentiments continued. He always gave us something on Valentine's Day. As many of you already know, my husband, Denis, and I are High School Sweethearts. We met in 10th Grade during Mr. Warren's history class at Massapequa High School. I sat in the row adjacent to Denis'. I noticed him right away...I didn't think he noticed me at all. Although, if you ask him today, he'd say that he noticed me too. He wore thick black rimmed eye glasses and he was considered one of the High Schools "jocks" which meant he was not only good looking, but excellent in sports. He reminded me of "Superman." Truth be told...he still does!🥰 I was timid and shy and extremely conservative. He was excellent in history...he loved and still loves history. History was not one of my favorite classes. Denis was the student that raised his hand for every question asked. Even to the point that Mr. Warren would say, "Let's give someone else a chance to answer the question, Denis." Watching him answer the questions and knowing all about what we were learning enthralled me. I knew I was falling in love. However, I still didn't think he even noticed I existed. Until one day after class, as we were walking out of the classroom, Denis asked me out to the movies. I don't know if I was surprised or shocked, but as I was explaining to him that I'd have to ask my dad if I would be able to go, I dropped my books all over the floor. So much for first impressions. My biggest dilemma at the time was asking my dad if he would allow me to go on a date with Denis. That evening I got up the nerve and after much negotiating and interrogation from my dad with questions like "Who is this boy?" "Where does his family live?" AND then the big question..."How will you get to the theater?" My responses were pretty strait forward, "He's a classmate...he's in my history class...He lives in the Park and...I think we're walking to the Pequa Theater." The last answer was the tricky one..."You see", I said to dad, "his father works nights and his mother doesn't drive so it's the only way we can get to and from the theater"...now, mind you, the theater was down the block from my house. After thinking it over he finally said "Yes"... I was allowed to go. But he insisted that he drive us...to and from the theater. He was pretty strict!! Date night came... Meeting my family at the time was like meeting the von Trapp family. My sister, Ronnie, played the accordion, her boyfriend at the time and husband now, Joe, played the guitar and the piano. We all sang. It was a regular family jamboree. Denis was amazed by it all. He watched as my family preformed in front of him. Now it was time to meet my dad... My father was a well built man with a personality as large as his stature. He spent many hours in our basement working on projects...usually our school projects...and he was there when Denis arrived for our "BIG FIRST" date. As the basement door opened, this larger then life figure appeared giving Denis a very tight hand shake. He then proceeded to ask Denis where he planned to go to college...we were in 10th Grade at the time and in 10th grade we didn't really think of college yet. And to be asked this question on a first date was bazaar to Denis...not to mention me, I was mortified and totally embarrassed. Baffled by the question, Denis thought of the only place he could because his neighbor was affiliated with Kings Point at the time and so he said, "Kings Point, Sir!" That did it, my dad immediately took a liking to my date. Denis and I lasted through that date and many others after that. Then as the New Year approached and Valentine's Day arrived, Denis knowing how much I loved Valentine's Day, got me flowers and candy. BUT...Besides getting flowers and candy for me Denis brought flowers and candy for my mom too. WOW!!! That was unheard of!! If a boy wants to get brownie points with his girlfriend's mother, Denis knew how... My mom never forgot Denis bringing her flowers and candy on that Valentine's Day many years ago. Throughout the years she'd mention how thoughtful and kind that was. I will never forget that Valentine's Day, too. It was the first "Valentine" of candy and flowers I had ever received from a sweetheart besides my dad's "Valentine's." It meant the world to me. It was as magical as the Valentine's Days when my dad left the chocolate covered marshmallow heart on our dinner plates. A beautiful sentiment and a wonderful surprise. It's been almost 55 years since that Valentine's Day. The memory still resonates in my heart. There's not one Valentine's Day that goes by that Denis, my kids, grandkids and Dagger don't shower me with candy, flowers or hand made cards on Valentine's Day. Because... I Love Valentines Day! Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
Have a safe and healthy February!! Be well. Happy tales to you, xoxo Yvonne (and Dagger DogVinci)
Veronica Perrone
2/3/2022 05:44:21 am
Love this story of love!! My sister and brother-in-law Denis are truly high-school sweethearts whose love, respect and dedication to each have been an inspiration to their family and all of us!!
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