Is it hard to be kind always? I think so... Especially when someone mistreats you or doesn't do what you feel is acceptable behavior. It's probably one of the hardest things to do. For example, the other day I was at our local Post Office. I witnessed a woman screaming at the person behind the counter. I don't know what happened to set this woman off, but she was visibly and verbally upset. Her behavior was awful to witness for me and I suppose all of the other customers in the Post Office. She was loud and her language was despicable. I was impressed by the way the Post Office Employee waiting on her handled the situation. He didn't get rattled or combative and kept his composure. As I stood at the counter being waited on by another employee, I thought, "Wow, I don't know if I would be able to take the abuse she was giving to this man. He was being so kind to her!" The woman, however, I'm sad to say, was unable to hold her composure. After spewing out obscenities, she proceeded to storm out of the office pushing her way out. I found myself outside walking side by side with her to our cars. I said quietly..."Be kind." Her response to me was another obscenity. How nice, I thought! When I told my son the story, he said that I shouldn't have said anything to her. After all, he said, "A person so outraged shouldn't be confronted in any all!" I guess I may have crossed the line, but I couldn't help it. I felt that maybe, just maybe, she would calm down and realize that people are working and trying their best to accommodate their customers. My words may or may not have resonated with her. I'll never know. Sometimes we don't know how we affect people in good or bad ways. We continued to walk to our cars without another word to one another. Her attitude left me questioning my words..."Be Kind." Maybe she really did have a problem...she certainly "lost it" at that moment in time. Maybe my words "Be kind" came across as scolding her...After all, I was upset that she made a terrible scene only minutes before. I felt bad for the employee. What ever it was she continued her cursing. "Losing it," is part of life. We are all going to "lose it" at times. Take for example, Will Smith. He lost it at the Oscars when Chris Rock said something about his wife's medical condition. Did Rock go too far with his kibitzing? Should Smith have controlled his emotions? There are always so many parts to why we "Lose it." But, we do. Over and over again. I "lose it" many times. When I don't get my way or when I try to control situations, I find myself losing it. Recently, I was on the phone with a representative from a company who was not accommodating me in a way I wished he would and should. Telling me that he couldn't help me in anyway, I felt myself "losing it!" I asked him to connect me with his supervisor. I waited on the line ...which seemed to be forever... and was suddenly greeted by a very nice, calm person who listened to me and tried to the best of his ability to solve my problem. It was refreshing to speak with him. His act of kindness and compassion for me reassured me that kindness does exist in a world full of unrest and trouble. I told him that the only thing I could do to repay him for his kindness, besides giving him a stellar report, was to pray for him. He was very appreciative of both. I will never forget his kindness to me. Kindness, after all, is free with no strings attached. It can be given and received every minute of everyday! However, at times it's probably one of the hardest things for us to do. Especially when we encounter a rude or mean person to deal with. I don't know about you, but I have a lot of work to do in this area! Trying and being aware of the many ways we can show kindness is a lesson I know I need to practice. Small acts of kindness may be small, but to a person going through a difficult time this act could make a huge difference in a person's day. We may never know how our small act of kindness may affect an individual, but that's the greatest part of being never know or may never know if it worked. How exciting that prospect is!! I don't know about you...but I'm gonna try! Yes! It is hard to be kind always, we're human, after all! Happy Tales to you!
Happy Easter and Happy Passover! ...if you celebrate one or both! xoxo Yvonne
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A Place where I can Bark, Blog and Woof a Littlewritten by Yvonne Dagger Archives
January 2025
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