What's the difference? ![]() Recently, I heard a powerful homily regarding this very interesting and profound topic. The homily was given by a priest who visits our parish every summer from Ireland. He's a college professor and world renowned theologian. Whenever he comes to our parish, I look forward to his homilies so very much. It's a real treat to hear what he has to say albeit for me it's been live streamed. The following is my interpretation of one of his recent homilies. He began his theme by talking about the idea of "Right or Wrong; Good or Bad." He equated "Right or Wrong" to a speed limit enforced by officials. He said that people create laws that make a certain speed limit right or wrong. Let's say the speed limit is 35 miles an hour...that's a law set forth by the officials of the town or state. If you go over the speed limit...it's wrong and you'll get a ticket. If you stay within the speed limit...it's right and you won't get a ticket. It's wrong if you don't abide by the law, it's right if you do. It's that simple...Right? Now what about "Good or Bad?" That's not as definitive. He said that when you go over the speed limit you are endangering not only your life, but the other people on the road as well. That's Bad. Likewise, when you stay within the speed limit and you are careful to protect yourself and others...that's good. Ok. So, why did I feel that this homily was so powerful to me at this time in my life? Right now, as a society, we are all going through a very difficult "Right or Wrong/Good or Bad" time. The topic of conversation for close to two years has been the COVID 19 virus. I can only speak for myself, but I'm so tired of making so many sacrifices by thinking of the Right/Wrong and the Good/Bad thing to do to keep myself and others safe from getting COVID 19. It's, therefore, understandable to be "COVID tired." But, how do we define "Right or Wrong; Good or Bad" in our lives regarding the COVID 19 Virus? That has become one of the most difficult answers to consider in today's day and age... Some of us talk a great talk, but do we actually walk the walk? I had to really soul search about this. Did we get or are we planning to get the life saving COVID 19 vaccine? Are we abiding by mask wearing indoors? In my home town, I've noticed that many have abandoned all mandates (some are actually fighting against them) and protocols. It's sad for me to witness this. Being immunodeficient, I have resorted to living a life in fear, stress and needless isolation. We have abandoned our in person DogVinci Workshops. When I go out I'm constantly mindful of whether or not others are doing the "Right and Good" thing. It's a tough and difficult decision to make. How do we make sense out of being told to do something we've always been told was the Right and Good thing to do like seeing people and getting together in large gatherings. We are social beings, after all. So, being told that we cannot see people in large groups and worrying about people who are clearly not vaccinated and not wearing a mask adds to this predicament and needless stress. My only guess is that as a society we must respect all people to do the "Right and Good" thing. I can only hope and pray that the numbers keep going down and we will once again witness some sense of normalcy. As Father closed his homily he left us with a story to contemplate about this very subject (It's paraphrased, of course): Many years ago, every Friday in a parish where a Bishop lived, they would receive a vegetable order. And every Friday, a young delivery boy would bring the order to the rectory. Being somewhat scared of the Bishop, whenever the boy would come to the door, and the Bishop would answer, he would leave the order at the door and run away. Well, one day, when the young boy delivered the order, and the Bishop answered the door, he began to run away, when the Bishop stopped him and said, "Come back here, young boy! Now, let me tell you the "Right" way to greet the Bishop when the Bishop answers the door." He continued, "I'm going to be you, and you are going to be me." The young boy agreed to this playacting, and they took their prospective places. The Bishop was now outside playing the delivery boy, and the delivery boy was now the Bishop waiting inside for the doorbell to ring. When the young boy answered the door, the Bishop said, "Good Afternoon, Bishop! Here is your vegetable order. Have a very nice weekend." The young boy responded by saying, "Thank you for this order. Here's a dollar for your time and service." Boy! oh, Boy! Did this story hit home with me...It made me think of the times when I failed to do the "Right" and "Good" thing. I thought of the times when I didn't give from my heart and think about ALL people. I think that there was a lesson for both the young delivery boy and the Bishop in this enactment. Being "right" is a fine and noble thing to do. However, doing the "Good" thing is by far the most challenging to decern.❤️ Happy Tales to you.
Be well...Be Safe AND Let us always try to do the Right and Good thing for everyone! xoxo Yvonne
A Place where I can Bark, Blog and Woof a Littlewritten by Yvonne Dagger Archives
February 2025
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