Live your passion each and every day." ~ Yvonne Dagger
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Creativity take courage.
Are you courageous enough to create something today??
Picasso is!
Creativity take courage.
Are you courageous enough to create something today??
Picasso is!
Friday, February 7, 2025
💝Happy Send a Card to a Friend Day! 💝
Sending cards is a woof-derful way of keeping in touch
with those that we love and hold dear to our hearts.
When was the last time you or your pet created and sent a greeting card?
Visit for the details to have your pet create a greeting card for someone you hold dear to you.
💝Happy Send a Card to a Friend Day! 💝
Sending cards is a woof-derful way of keeping in touch
with those that we love and hold dear to our hearts.
When was the last time you or your pet created and sent a greeting card?
Visit for the details to have your pet create a greeting card for someone you hold dear to you.
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Happy Optimist Day!
Are you an optimist?
Well, today's your day.
And if you find it hard to be optimistic sometimes...
remember today is the day to try to look on the bright side.
Celebrate YOU today and all of your accomplishments.
Happy Optimist Day!
Are you an optimist?
Well, today's your day.
And if you find it hard to be optimistic sometimes...
remember today is the day to try to look on the bright side.
Celebrate YOU today and all of your accomplishments.
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Happy Weatherperson's Day!
Today we honor all individuals working in meteorology, weather forecasting, and broadcast meteorology. We're forever grateful to you all for keeping us updated on the weather so that when we go for walks we know what to expect when we venture out of the house. The day also recognizes volunteer storm spotters, observers, and others who work in the weather field.
We thank you so very much!
xoxo Barney & Picasso
Happy Weatherperson's Day!
Today we honor all individuals working in meteorology, weather forecasting, and broadcast meteorology. We're forever grateful to you all for keeping us updated on the weather so that when we go for walks we know what to expect when we venture out of the house. The day also recognizes volunteer storm spotters, observers, and others who work in the weather field.
We thank you so very much!
xoxo Barney & Picasso
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
"Giving love is the greatest pleasure.
Receiving it back is the greatest treasure..."
"Giving love is the greatest pleasure.
Receiving it back is the greatest treasure..."
Monday, February 3, 2025
Precious moments await as we begin a new week.
Precious moments await as we begin a new week.
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Happy Ground Hog Day!!
Will the ground hog see its shadow??
If he does, we will have six more weeks of winter.
Happy Ground Hog Day!!
Will the ground hog see its shadow??
If he does, we will have six more weeks of winter.
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Happy Create Saturday. What are you planning to create today?
Before you jump into your creative world I invite you to read my new Blog
I've titled "What is ART to me?
Let me know what Art means to you.
xoxo Yvonne
Click HERE to read my new Blog
Happy Create Saturday. What are you planning to create today?
Before you jump into your creative world I invite you to read my new Blog
I've titled "What is ART to me?
Let me know what Art means to you.
xoxo Yvonne
Click HERE to read my new Blog
Friday, January 31, 2025
Today is Inspire Your Heart With Art Day.
There are so many ways we can inspire others with the arts.
Whether that would be visual, theatrical, writing, crafting arts,
Each has a special and unique place in our lives.
We must continue to be inspired and to inspire
others to keep the arts alive in our hearts and our communities!!
Today is Inspire Your Heart With Art Day.
There are so many ways we can inspire others with the arts.
Whether that would be visual, theatrical, writing, crafting arts,
Each has a special and unique place in our lives.
We must continue to be inspired and to inspire
others to keep the arts alive in our hearts and our communities!!
Thursday, January 30. 2025
Piglet: "How do you spell love?"
Pooh: "You don't spell it, You feel it."
Piglet: "How do you spell love?"
Pooh: "You don't spell it, You feel it."
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Today is National Puzzle Day!
Dagger DogVinci's puzzles are Tail Wagging Fun!
Every brush stroke put into each and every original work of art came from the mind, the mouth, and the brush of DogVinci!
Dagger DogVinci became a phenomenon across the globe.
Man's best friend found a way to help
animals and people and he did it with grace and love!!
A portion of each sale will be donated to charity.
Thank you for continuing to help Dagger DogVinci's legacy live on
by helping others in need.
Click HERE to order yours
Today is National Puzzle Day!
Dagger DogVinci's puzzles are Tail Wagging Fun!
Every brush stroke put into each and every original work of art came from the mind, the mouth, and the brush of DogVinci!
Dagger DogVinci became a phenomenon across the globe.
Man's best friend found a way to help
animals and people and he did it with grace and love!!
A portion of each sale will be donated to charity.
Thank you for continuing to help Dagger DogVinci's legacy live on
by helping others in need.
Click HERE to order yours
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Bringing Love, joy, and comfort is essential to our emotional wellbeing. Sometimes it's difficult to feel or even see the love, joy, and comfort.
If we look really hard, it's may be right in front of our eyes.
Bringing Love, joy, and comfort is essential to our emotional wellbeing. Sometimes it's difficult to feel or even see the love, joy, and comfort.
If we look really hard, it's may be right in front of our eyes.
Monday, January 27, 2025
This is your Monday reminder that you can do anything that comes your way.
It's time to make dreams come true!!
Please take a moment to continue to vote for Barney for the
America's Favorite Pet Contest.
Click HERE to vote
(You can vote once a day until Thursday, January 30th )
This is your Monday reminder that you can do anything that comes your way.
It's time to make dreams come true!!
Please take a moment to continue to vote for Barney for the
America's Favorite Pet Contest.
Click HERE to vote
(You can vote once a day until Thursday, January 30th )
Sunday, January 26, 2025
AWWWW It's Sunday!
A day to celebrate resting and relaxation!
Come join us!!
xoxo Barney & Picasso
AWWWW It's Sunday!
A day to celebrate resting and relaxation!
Come join us!!
xoxo Barney & Picasso
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Happy Create Saturday!
We've been creating Valentine's Day Cards for a special event hosted by Howling Talent and the Animal Heroes Hall of Fame.
The cards are a tribute to and a reminder of Dagger's legacy and the
You can also create Cards for those in your community,
neighborhood or further afield to spread joy on Valentine's Day.
Simply visit of the details.
Happy Create Saturday!
We've been creating Valentine's Day Cards for a special event hosted by Howling Talent and the Animal Heroes Hall of Fame.
The cards are a tribute to and a reminder of Dagger's legacy and the
You can also create Cards for those in your community,
neighborhood or further afield to spread joy on Valentine's Day.
Simply visit of the details.
Friday, January 24, 2025
Happy Compliment Day!
Take a little time today to give a sincere compliment to someone.
Compliments are very powerful. They can instill confidence.
They can give someone happiness when they're sad.
Compliments are PAWsome!!
Happy Compliment Day!
Take a little time today to give a sincere compliment to someone.
Compliments are very powerful. They can instill confidence.
They can give someone happiness when they're sad.
Compliments are PAWsome!!
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Looking to the future takes one moment at a time.
So, put your best foot or paw forward
and create those moments with PAWsitivity!
Remember to Vote for Barney HERE for America's Favorite Pet!
Looking to the future takes one moment at a time.
So, put your best foot or paw forward
and create those moments with PAWsitivity!
Remember to Vote for Barney HERE for America's Favorite Pet!
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Happy Wednesday everyone!
We are so excited that Barney made it to the
TOP 20 America's Favorite Pet Contest.
There are 2 more days to get him to the next level.
Click HERE to vote for him.
Happy Wednesday everyone!
We are so excited that Barney made it to the
TOP 20 America's Favorite Pet Contest.
There are 2 more days to get him to the next level.
Click HERE to vote for him.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Happy National Hugging Day.
Hugging is so good for our health and well-being.
So, Hug away today!!
Happy National Hugging Day.
Hugging is so good for our health and well-being.
So, Hug away today!!
Monday, January 20, 2025
Never, ever give up on your dreams or yourself!
There's so much more to your story...
Never, ever give up on your dreams or yourself!
There's so much more to your story...
Sunday, January 19, 2025
It's Sunday...
You know what that means in our world...
Rest and Relaxation!
You know you need it!! So, what's stopping you??
Go for it!
Relax & that order!
It's Sunday...
You know what that means in our world...
Rest and Relaxation!
You know you need it!! So, what's stopping you??
Go for it!
Relax & that order!
Saturday, January 18, 2025
Having special visitors is always a treat!
Canine Companions Future Therapy Dog, Darla, came to visit.
She's a sweetheart!! Barney and Picasso fell madly in love with her!
Having special visitors is always a treat!
Canine Companions Future Therapy Dog, Darla, came to visit.
She's a sweetheart!! Barney and Picasso fell madly in love with her!
Friday, January 17, 2025
Giving comfort, love, and joy are things a therapy dog provides.
Picasso just happens to do it really, really well!!
These students at Unqua School in Massapequa saw first hand
or should I say...first paw...what Picasso is so PAWsome at!
Which is...Giving Comfort, love and joy to everyone he meets!
Giving comfort, love, and joy are things a therapy dog provides.
Picasso just happens to do it really, really well!!
These students at Unqua School in Massapequa saw first hand
or should I say...first paw...what Picasso is so PAWsome at!
Which is...Giving Comfort, love and joy to everyone he meets!
Thursday, January 16,2025
So very proud our little canine artist, Picasso.
Yesterday Picasso was part of a commercial. It was a super exciting day!
May thanks to the Producer for the opportunity!
So very proud our little canine artist, Picasso.
Yesterday Picasso was part of a commercial. It was a super exciting day!
May thanks to the Producer for the opportunity!
Wednesday, January,15, 2025
Reaching out to others in kindness is a way of showing the world that you care. Random acts of kindness take courage and selflessness.
Take time today to spread a little kindness...
even if it's to tell someone you love them❤️
If we all did just one act of kindness, the world would be such a better place.
Reaching out to others in kindness is a way of showing the world that you care. Random acts of kindness take courage and selflessness.
Take time today to spread a little kindness...
even if it's to tell someone you love them❤️
If we all did just one act of kindness, the world would be such a better place.
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Happy National Dress Up your pet day!
Will you be dressing your pet up today?
Some pets don't like dressing we always give them a pass.
Some absolutely love it! Barney and Picasso don't mind at all.
In fact, I think they like it.
Have fun and have a nice day!
xoxo Yvonne
Happy National Dress Up your pet day!
Will you be dressing your pet up today?
Some pets don't like dressing we always give them a pass.
Some absolutely love it! Barney and Picasso don't mind at all.
In fact, I think they like it.
Have fun and have a nice day!
xoxo Yvonne
Monday, January 13, 2025
Suddenly you know that it's time to begin a new week
with so many opportunities awaiting for us to explore
and show how simply PAWsome we are!!
Let's get going!!
Suddenly you know that it's time to begin a new week
with so many opportunities awaiting for us to explore
and show how simply PAWsome we are!!
Let's get going!!
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Sometimes it's really okay to be silly!!
We had a great moment to be silly nilly!! And that's okay!!
Have a safe Sunday, everyone!!
Sometimes it's really okay to be silly!!
We had a great moment to be silly nilly!! And that's okay!!
Have a safe Sunday, everyone!!
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Creating, learning, and inspiring is so important in our lives.
When we create we use our talents and gifts to share in the world.
When we learn something new everyday, we grow in our intelligence.
When we inspire others with how kind and caring we are in our lives,
we feel fulfilled and successful.
We like to create, learn and inspire.
Do you?
Creating, learning, and inspiring is so important in our lives.
When we create we use our talents and gifts to share in the world.
When we learn something new everyday, we grow in our intelligence.
When we inspire others with how kind and caring we are in our lives,
we feel fulfilled and successful.
We like to create, learn and inspire.
Do you?
Friday, January 10, 2025
It takes a lot of courage to push through hard times.
Never, ever give up!
It takes a lot of courage to push through hard times.
Never, ever give up!
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of our friends affected
by the wild fires devastating Southern California right now.
They need rain!
We're doing a rain dance for them!
Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of our friends affected
by the wild fires devastating Southern California right now.
They need rain!
We're doing a rain dance for them!
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Creating, Reading, and Learning are important
for our development and literacy.
Pick up a book today and read!
In fact...Pick up my book...
"An Artist Is Born" to learn about how incredible a canine artist can be!!
xoxo Yvonne Dagger
To HERE to order yours 🥰
Creating, Reading, and Learning are important
for our development and literacy.
Pick up a book today and read!
In fact...Pick up my book...
"An Artist Is Born" to learn about how incredible a canine artist can be!!
xoxo Yvonne Dagger
To HERE to order yours 🥰
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Caring for one another is the purest form of love.
Caring for one another is the purest form of love.
Monday, January 6, 2025
Today's the day!!
We are so excited that Barney is in the running to be
America's Favorite Pet.
Voting begins at 12pm EST (9am PST) for Barney!
Do you want Barney to become America's Favorite Pet?
Click HERE to vote for him!
And share the link with your family and friends!
xoxo Denis & Yvonne
Today's the day!!
We are so excited that Barney is in the running to be
America's Favorite Pet.
Voting begins at 12pm EST (9am PST) for Barney!
Do you want Barney to become America's Favorite Pet?
Click HERE to vote for him!
And share the link with your family and friends!
xoxo Denis & Yvonne
Sunday, January 5, 2025
May your Sunday be filled with plenty of Rest & Relaxation.
We started yesterday and figured we'd continue today!
It's the best way to revitalize and recharge for the week.
Have a relaxing Sunday, everyone!
xoxo Barney & Picasso
May your Sunday be filled with plenty of Rest & Relaxation.
We started yesterday and figured we'd continue today!
It's the best way to revitalize and recharge for the week.
Have a relaxing Sunday, everyone!
xoxo Barney & Picasso
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Happy Create Saturday!!
Picasso has been working his tail off on his newest painting.
Barney has been his Muse throughout the painting's progression.
We decided to name it "Nesting Paw-ty"
It measures 12"x12"
Click HERE to Purchase
(All Proceeds go to Charity)
What have you decided to create on this "Create Saturday?"
Happy Create Saturday!!
Picasso has been working his tail off on his newest painting.
Barney has been his Muse throughout the painting's progression.
We decided to name it "Nesting Paw-ty"
It measures 12"x12"
Click HERE to Purchase
(All Proceeds go to Charity)
What have you decided to create on this "Create Saturday?"
Friday, January 3, 2025
Happy Friday!
It's great to hang out with our cousins, Eddie & Cassidy.
They're so much fun to be with.
We get a chance to run and play with each other
until our tongues hang out of our mouths!
Are you planning anything special with your family and/or friends today??
We'd be tail wagging happy to know!
xoxo Barney & Picasso
Happy Friday!
It's great to hang out with our cousins, Eddie & Cassidy.
They're so much fun to be with.
We get a chance to run and play with each other
until our tongues hang out of our mouths!
Are you planning anything special with your family and/or friends today??
We'd be tail wagging happy to know!
xoxo Barney & Picasso
Thursday, January 2, 2025
We love to makes us feel real so good.
If you do good and good will come to you.
xoxo Picasso & Barney
We love to makes us feel real so good.
If you do good and good will come to you.
xoxo Picasso & Barney
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
May the New Year bring you & your families peace, happiness, and health
and may you always receive the kindness that you share with others.
With love and best wishes as you strive to make 2025 PAWsome,
The Dagger Family
Denis, Yvonne, Barney & CC COC Therapy Dog Picasso
May the New Year bring you & your families peace, happiness, and health
and may you always receive the kindness that you share with others.
With love and best wishes as you strive to make 2025 PAWsome,
The Dagger Family
Denis, Yvonne, Barney & CC COC Therapy Dog Picasso
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
It's always a lot of fun to get together with our relatives,
Eddie & Cassidy Dagger.
Especially when we're celebrating New Year's Eve with them.
Whatever you do, be safe while having fun!
xoxo Picasso & Barney
It's always a lot of fun to get together with our relatives,
Eddie & Cassidy Dagger.
Especially when we're celebrating New Year's Eve with them.
Whatever you do, be safe while having fun!
xoxo Picasso & Barney
Monday, December 30, 2024
Time for a "coffee" break. Take a little time to take a break whether it's for coffee, tea, or any beverage of your choice..take some time for YOU!
We LOVE sitting on the couch with our hooman.
Have a happy Monday everyone!
xoxo Picasso & Barney
Time for a "coffee" break. Take a little time to take a break whether it's for coffee, tea, or any beverage of your choice..take some time for YOU!
We LOVE sitting on the couch with our hooman.
Have a happy Monday everyone!
xoxo Picasso & Barney
Sunday, December 29, 2024
Today is a great day to catch up and finish all of the things
that you need to before we ring in the New Year.
For us it would be things like;
Did we finish munching on the old Benebone? (so that we can get another)
Are our medical records up to date
(that's for our Hooman's to do, but it's great to remind them)
Of course, the most important,
Do we have enough food to get us through the New Year festivities!
Happy Tick Tock Day!
Today is a great day to catch up and finish all of the things
that you need to before we ring in the New Year.
For us it would be things like;
Did we finish munching on the old Benebone? (so that we can get another)
Are our medical records up to date
(that's for our Hooman's to do, but it's great to remind them)
Of course, the most important,
Do we have enough food to get us through the New Year festivities!
Happy Tick Tock Day!
Saturday, December 28, 2024
Sometimes we just need to take a little time to "Smell the Roses."
So, stop where you are and breath. Stop to smell the roses.
This is Picasso's newest painting...
"Smell the Roses."
It measures 12"x12"
Sometimes we just need to take a little time to "Smell the Roses."
So, stop where you are and breath. Stop to smell the roses.
This is Picasso's newest painting...
"Smell the Roses."
It measures 12"x12"
Friday, December 27, 2024
The Dagger Pack would like you to be happy, be kind, and be PAWsome.
Can you try to do that for them?? They sure hope so!
Happy Friday, everyone!
xoxo Eddie, Barney, Cassidy, and Picasso
The Dagger Pack would like you to be happy, be kind, and be PAWsome.
Can you try to do that for them?? They sure hope so!
Happy Friday, everyone!
xoxo Eddie, Barney, Cassidy, and Picasso
Thursday, December 26, 2024
We would like to thank you for your support throughout the year.
With your support we were able to achieve so much.
Barney has been accepted into the "America's Favorite Pet" Contest
(Stay tuned...Voting begins on January 6th, 2025)
and Picasso is well on his way to being a woof-derful canine artist...
Not to mention a PAWsome Canine Companions Therapy Dog.
Thank you again!
xoxo Yvonne
Today is National Thank You Note Day.
We would like to thank you for your support throughout the year.
With your support we were able to achieve so much.
Barney has been accepted into the "America's Favorite Pet" Contest
(Stay tuned...Voting begins on January 6th, 2025)
and Picasso is well on his way to being a woof-derful canine artist...
Not to mention a PAWsome Canine Companions Therapy Dog.
Thank you again!
xoxo Yvonne
Today is National Thank You Note Day.
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Have a Howl-ly Jolly Christmas!
xoxo Barney & Picasso
Have a Howl-ly Jolly Christmas!
xoxo Barney & Picasso
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Word on the path is that Santa is coming to town!
We can hardly wait!
Have a Happy Christmas Eve, everyone!
Word on the path is that Santa is coming to town!
We can hardly wait!
Have a Happy Christmas Eve, everyone!
Monday, December 23, 2024
Do you know your roots?
Where your family originated?
The only thing we know about Barney is that he is 17 different breeds and was found wandering the streets of Georgia. Although Barney's roots seem to be diverse and muddled, he's a really cool dude!
Picasso's roots are much clearer.
Picasso was born into the Canine Companions family in Santa Rosa California. His mom's name is Dawn V and his dad's name is Quinn V.
It's really amazing how much we can tell from our roots...
if we just delve into our history and ancestry.
Happy National Roots Day!
Do you know your roots?
Where your family originated?
The only thing we know about Barney is that he is 17 different breeds and was found wandering the streets of Georgia. Although Barney's roots seem to be diverse and muddled, he's a really cool dude!
Picasso's roots are much clearer.
Picasso was born into the Canine Companions family in Santa Rosa California. His mom's name is Dawn V and his dad's name is Quinn V.
It's really amazing how much we can tell from our roots...
if we just delve into our history and ancestry.
Happy National Roots Day!
Sunday, December 22, 2024
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
Picasso loves to do his Canine Companions Therapy Dog work
at St. Rose of Lima Church in Massapequa, New York!
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
Picasso loves to do his Canine Companions Therapy Dog work
at St. Rose of Lima Church in Massapequa, New York!
Saturday, December 21,2024
We live in the Northern Hemisphere.
Today begins the Winter Solstice.
It's the shortest day and the longest night of the year.
It's cold here in New York.
We feel so blessed to have a nice warm home to live in.
We are all decked out in our Toyota winter hats.
We ❤️ Toyota!!
We live in the Northern Hemisphere.
Today begins the Winter Solstice.
It's the shortest day and the longest night of the year.
It's cold here in New York.
We feel so blessed to have a nice warm home to live in.
We are all decked out in our Toyota winter hats.
We ❤️ Toyota!!
Friday, December 20, 2025
Today is National Underdog Day.
We always root for and support those that are expected to lose in competition.
We cheer these teams and individuals on
because they need our support and encouragement.
Underdogs inspire and motivate us to always try, Try, TRY!!!
Today is National Underdog Day.
We always root for and support those that are expected to lose in competition.
We cheer these teams and individuals on
because they need our support and encouragement.
Underdogs inspire and motivate us to always try, Try, TRY!!!
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Sometimes life is like a tug-of-war.
It takes courage and strength to move forward.
Hold on tight and enjoy the challenge!
Sometimes life is like a tug-of-war.
It takes courage and strength to move forward.
Hold on tight and enjoy the challenge!

Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Today is National Twin Day.
Are you a twin or do you know a set of twins?
Our mom is a identical twin.
Her twin sister ventured over the Rainbow Bridge on
October 20, 2019.
Even though her twin sister is no longer here and she misses her so very much, she told us that she feels her sisters spirit and presence each and every day.
That gives her such comfort.
If you're a twin, celebrate each other today!!
xoxo Picasso & Barney
Today is National Twin Day.
Are you a twin or do you know a set of twins?
Our mom is a identical twin.
Her twin sister ventured over the Rainbow Bridge on
October 20, 2019.
Even though her twin sister is no longer here and she misses her so very much, she told us that she feels her sisters spirit and presence each and every day.
That gives her such comfort.
If you're a twin, celebrate each other today!!
xoxo Picasso & Barney
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Listening is a big part of caring.
Picasso listens very well and doesn't even talk back!
Have a great Thankful Tuesday!
Listening is a big part of caring.
Picasso listens very well and doesn't even talk back!
Have a great Thankful Tuesday!
Monday, December 16, 2024
Happy Mindfulness Monday!
It's easy to be kind if you're mindful of the needs of others.
It's easy to be grateful if you're mindful of all of your blessings...big and small!
So, let us all try to ...
🥰 Be kind 🥰
🥰 Be grateful 🥰
Happy Mindfulness Monday!
It's easy to be kind if you're mindful of the needs of others.
It's easy to be grateful if you're mindful of all of your blessings...big and small!
So, let us all try to ...
🥰 Be kind 🥰
🥰 Be grateful 🥰
Sunday, December 15, 2024
It always feels so good to get a little rest and relaxation.
It rejuvenates and restores our bodies for the next amazing journey.
Sunday's are the best for a rest!!
It always feels so good to get a little rest and relaxation.
It rejuvenates and restores our bodies for the next amazing journey.
Sunday's are the best for a rest!!
Saturday, December 14, 2024
It's such a delight to watch an incredible talent to emerge.
We are all blessed with gifts and talents.
Let your's shine today!
It's such a delight to watch an incredible talent to emerge.
We are all blessed with gifts and talents.
Let your's shine today!
Friday, December 13, 2024
❤️The look of Love❤️
❤️The look of Love❤️
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Sometimes you know it's time to start something new
and trust the magic of new beginnings.
We are hopeful that Facebook will restore Dagger's Page.
But, in the meantime, we are also looking forward to continuing our mission of sharing creativity, learning new things, fundraising for charities,
and inspiring others to do the same on our new Facebook Page:
"Picasso Dagger"
Have a great Thursday, everyone!
Sometimes you know it's time to start something new
and trust the magic of new beginnings.
We are hopeful that Facebook will restore Dagger's Page.
But, in the meantime, we are also looking forward to continuing our mission of sharing creativity, learning new things, fundraising for charities,
and inspiring others to do the same on our new Facebook Page:
"Picasso Dagger"
Have a great Thursday, everyone!
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Happy Wednesday, everyone!
Picasso’s doing a great job on his newest painting.
I’m so proud of this little boy!
Are you creating, learning, and inspiring today just like Picasso?
Happy Wednesday, everyone!
Picasso’s doing a great job on his newest painting.
I’m so proud of this little boy!
Are you creating, learning, and inspiring today just like Picasso?
Tuesday, December 19, 2024
If it's Tuesday it must be a Tongue Out Day!
So, here we are partial tongues and flipped over the nose tongues matter how you do it...
it's still Tongue Out Tuesday!
Have a great day, everyone!
If it's Tuesday it must be a Tongue Out Day!
So, here we are partial tongues and flipped over the nose tongues matter how you do it...
it's still Tongue Out Tuesday!
Have a great day, everyone!
Monday, December 9, 2024
Hey Barney, "It's Monday! Time to sparkle and shine!!"
Hey Barney, "It's Monday! Time to sparkle and shine!!"
Sunday, December 8, 2024
Meeting award winning author, Laura Greaves, was such an honor.
Laura traveled from her home in Australia to the USA on a Churchill Fellowship to do research on the transformative power of animal-assisted therapy and its potential impact on the lives of children in foster care.
There's nothing more exciting than hearing her stories and being inspired.
Meeting award winning author, Laura Greaves, was such an honor.
Laura traveled from her home in Australia to the USA on a Churchill Fellowship to do research on the transformative power of animal-assisted therapy and its potential impact on the lives of children in foster care.
There's nothing more exciting than hearing her stories and being inspired.
Saturday, December 7, 2024
I have great news!
I will be signing my book "An Artist Is Born"
today at the St. Rose of Lima's Christmas Fair. There will be 4"x4" paintings (each with its own easel) by Picasso available for purchase too.
They're $50.00 each and make a wonderful unique gift.
We will also have the small DogVinci Quotes for $35.00 each.
As a very special event...
Award winning Author Laura Greaves will be joining me in the afternoon. Laura is visiting the USA from Australia. She is here in the USA doing research for a Churchill Fellowship. Laura wrote a chapter in her book "Amazing Dogs with Amazing Jobs" about Dagger DogVinci. If you happened to have purchased Laura's book at one of Dagger's workshops, please feel free to bring it and she will be happy to sign it for you.
There will be copies of Laura's book for sale as well!
We look forward to seeing you today!
xoxo Yvonne
I have great news!
I will be signing my book "An Artist Is Born"
today at the St. Rose of Lima's Christmas Fair. There will be 4"x4" paintings (each with its own easel) by Picasso available for purchase too.
They're $50.00 each and make a wonderful unique gift.
We will also have the small DogVinci Quotes for $35.00 each.
As a very special event...
Award winning Author Laura Greaves will be joining me in the afternoon. Laura is visiting the USA from Australia. She is here in the USA doing research for a Churchill Fellowship. Laura wrote a chapter in her book "Amazing Dogs with Amazing Jobs" about Dagger DogVinci. If you happened to have purchased Laura's book at one of Dagger's workshops, please feel free to bring it and she will be happy to sign it for you.
There will be copies of Laura's book for sale as well!
We look forward to seeing you today!
xoxo Yvonne
Friday, December 6, 2024
"We received our first Christmas Card yesterday!
Many thanks to David Gebhardt for his kindness and for thinking of us.
We loved the card and promised mom that we wouldn't eat it!
Have a woof-derful Friday, everyone!
And try to spread kindness whenever you're able!"
"We received our first Christmas Card yesterday!
Many thanks to David Gebhardt for his kindness and for thinking of us.
We loved the card and promised mom that we wouldn't eat it!
Have a woof-derful Friday, everyone!
And try to spread kindness whenever you're able!"
Thursday, December 5, 2024
What do you think of the two statues in the middle?
Do you think they look like us??
What do you think of the two statues in the middle?
Do you think they look like us??
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Can you take a guess what day it is today?
If you guessed National Sock Day...You're right!
We went through a great deal of work to get these socks on our paws and legs.
At first we wanted to play with them and then we wanted to eat them.
But, we learned a lot about socks.
Mom told us that beloved Tommy TuTu used to eat socks...all of the time!
We also learned that they keep hoomans warm and add style to a wardrobe.
After this photo was taken, the socks can off and we got treats!
It was so worth the effort!!
Happy Wellness Wednesday, everyone!
xoxo Barney & Picasso
Can you take a guess what day it is today?
If you guessed National Sock Day...You're right!
We went through a great deal of work to get these socks on our paws and legs.
At first we wanted to play with them and then we wanted to eat them.
But, we learned a lot about socks.
Mom told us that beloved Tommy TuTu used to eat socks...all of the time!
We also learned that they keep hoomans warm and add style to a wardrobe.
After this photo was taken, the socks can off and we got treats!
It was so worth the effort!!
Happy Wellness Wednesday, everyone!
xoxo Barney & Picasso
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Giving to those in need is just one thing we can do on Giving Tuesday.
We can also lift others up by being extra kind, nice, and caring too.
Whenever we share our time, talent, and treasure with others, a sense of joy and happiness envelops us. It gives us a sense of pride and accomplishment. AND...That's such a woof-in' good thing!
xoxo Barney & Picasso
Giving to those in need is just one thing we can do on Giving Tuesday.
We can also lift others up by being extra kind, nice, and caring too.
Whenever we share our time, talent, and treasure with others, a sense of joy and happiness envelops us. It gives us a sense of pride and accomplishment. AND...That's such a woof-in' good thing!
xoxo Barney & Picasso
Monday, December 2, 2024
Guess what?!
Today is National Mutt Day.
We are both mixed breed dogs.
Our forever family adopted us and gave us a loving home...and each other!! One of us is 2 breeds and the other is 17 different breeds! Can you guess which one of us is 17 different breeds? If you guessed're right!
National Mutt Day provides an excellent opportunity to find the perfect canine companion...even the fur babies that are tons of different breeds.
Guess what?!
Today is National Mutt Day.
We are both mixed breed dogs.
Our forever family adopted us and gave us a loving home...and each other!! One of us is 2 breeds and the other is 17 different breeds! Can you guess which one of us is 17 different breeds? If you guessed're right!
National Mutt Day provides an excellent opportunity to find the perfect canine companion...even the fur babies that are tons of different breeds.
Saturday, November 30, 2024
"Being Thankful" ~ Day #6
Today we are thankful for our home. Our home is our safe haven.
It's a place that we can rest and recharge.
We don't have to do anything in PAWticular when we're home.
We can even cuddle and hug all the day long!
What are you thankful for on Day #6 of "Being Thankful?"
"Being Thankful" ~ Day #6
Today we are thankful for our home. Our home is our safe haven.
It's a place that we can rest and recharge.
We don't have to do anything in PAWticular when we're home.
We can even cuddle and hug all the day long!
What are you thankful for on Day #6 of "Being Thankful?"
Friday, November 29, 2024
"Being Thankful" ` Day#5
Today we are thankful for our listening ears!
Today is our day to continue to create our story together.
We are so grateful for each other.
It's PAWsome how we get along and listen
in our own doggie language to one another.
What are you thankful for on this day #5?
"Being Thankful" ` Day#5
Today we are thankful for our listening ears!
Today is our day to continue to create our story together.
We are so grateful for each other.
It's PAWsome how we get along and listen
in our own doggie language to one another.
What are you thankful for on this day #5?
Thursday, November 28, 2024
"Being Thankful" ~ Day #4
Today we are thankful for an ability to be kind. Acts of Kindness and Community. Kindness always goes a long way. Think about the last time someone was randomly kind to you. It likely made your day. We know it always makes our day extra special when someone is kind to us. AND we feel really super PAWsome when we are kind to others.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of our family and friends in the USA🍁
"Being Thankful" ~ Day #4
Today we are thankful for an ability to be kind. Acts of Kindness and Community. Kindness always goes a long way. Think about the last time someone was randomly kind to you. It likely made your day. We know it always makes our day extra special when someone is kind to us. AND we feel really super PAWsome when we are kind to others.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of our family and friends in the USA🍁
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Being Thankful Day #3:
Today we're thankful for the nutritious and great food our hoomans feed us. What are you thankful for on Day #3 of "Being Thankful?"
Being Thankful Day #3:
Today we're thankful for the nutritious and great food our hoomans feed us. What are you thankful for on Day #3 of "Being Thankful?"
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Being Thankful Day #2 ...
Today we are thankful for you and you and you and....
You're our support system and our biggest cheerleaders.
We love you all and we are forever grateful and thankful for ALL of you.
Being Thankful Day #2 ...
Today we are thankful for you and you and you and....
You're our support system and our biggest cheerleaders.
We love you all and we are forever grateful and thankful for ALL of you.
Monday. November 25, 2024
This week we are concentrating on some of the things we are thankful for…
Day One: Today we are thankful for this woof-derful family we met at
St. Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church, Massapequa.
They spent oodles of time with Picasso. What a blessing they are!!
I challenge you to post something you're thankful for today...
and throughout the week 🍁
This week we are concentrating on some of the things we are thankful for…
Day One: Today we are thankful for this woof-derful family we met at
St. Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church, Massapequa.
They spent oodles of time with Picasso. What a blessing they are!!
I challenge you to post something you're thankful for today...
and throughout the week 🍁
Sunday, November 24, 2024
"It's alright to take a break. Just don't quit!
Have a happy restful Sunday.
Be good to YOU!!"
"It's alright to take a break. Just don't quit!
Have a happy restful Sunday.
Be good to YOU!!"
Saturday, November 23, 2024
"It's always great to hang out with a friend that makes you feel like
you're the bestest in the world!!
Do you have a friend like that??"
"It's always great to hang out with a friend that makes you feel like
you're the bestest in the world!!
Do you have a friend like that??"
Friday, November 22, 2024
Yesterday Picasso brought joy and happiness to the students of
Unqua Elementary School in Massapequa.
I think he loved it more than the students did!!
Picasso is such a blessing!!
Have a great Friday everyone!
Yesterday Picasso brought joy and happiness to the students of
Unqua Elementary School in Massapequa.
I think he loved it more than the students did!!
Picasso is such a blessing!!
Have a great Friday everyone!
Thursday, November 21, 2024
Happy Thankful Thursday!
We are so very thankful that we enjoyed a playdate
with our cousins, Cassidy & Eddie
What are you thankful for today?
xoxo Barney & Picasso
Happy Thankful Thursday!
We are so very thankful that we enjoyed a playdate
with our cousins, Cassidy & Eddie
What are you thankful for today?
xoxo Barney & Picasso
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
"We tried really hard to be well-behaved hosts, but we couldn't help kissing our Auntie Ann!!
She's just PAWsome!!
We love her!!
Have a great Wednesday, everyone!
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
"We tried really hard to be well-behaved hosts, but we couldn't help kissing our Auntie Ann!!
She's just PAWsome!!
We love her!!
Have a great Wednesday, everyone!
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Happy Tongue Out Tuesday
or for some of us...Partially Tongue Out Tuesday!
xoxo The Dagger Pack, Picasso, Barney, Cassidy & Eddie
Be your very best today!! You know how PAWsome you are!!
Happy Tongue Out Tuesday
or for some of us...Partially Tongue Out Tuesday!
xoxo The Dagger Pack, Picasso, Barney, Cassidy & Eddie
Be your very best today!! You know how PAWsome you are!!
Monday, November 18, 2024
Welcome Monday!
A new week of exciting opportunities, growth, and gratitude.
Be PAWsitive and PAWsitive happenings happen!!
Picasso has already started to express his talents.
Now, that's PAWsitive!!
Welcome Monday!
A new week of exciting opportunities, growth, and gratitude.
Be PAWsitive and PAWsitive happenings happen!!
Picasso has already started to express his talents.
Now, that's PAWsitive!!
Sunday, November 17, 2024
"Taking time out each day to relax and recharge is so important to your overall well-being...ours too!
Have a Happy Relaxing Sunday, everyone!!
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
"Taking time out each day to relax and recharge is so important to your overall well-being...ours too!
Have a Happy Relaxing Sunday, everyone!!
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
Saturday, November 16, 2024
"Bringing happiness, comfort, and love is what life is all about for Picasso!
My handsome heartthrob gave the Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville so much joy and love during our visit yesterday. It was PAWsome!!"
"Bringing happiness, comfort, and love is what life is all about for Picasso!
My handsome heartthrob gave the Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville so much joy and love during our visit yesterday. It was PAWsome!!"
Friday, November 15, 2024
Nose to nose we can accomplish anything.
We can and we will.
xoxo Picasso & Barney
Nose to nose we can accomplish anything.
We can and we will.
xoxo Picasso & Barney
Thursday, November 14, 2024
"Sometimes it only takes one act of kindness to change someone's life."
"Sometimes it only takes one act of kindness to change someone's life."
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Picasso has been working hard on his new painting.
Working hard and staying positive is a really good thing.
Be proud of your accomplishments.
Most importantly, never give up.
Picasso has been working hard on his new painting.
Working hard and staying positive is a really good thing.
Be proud of your accomplishments.
Most importantly, never give up.
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Whether you pick up a book, meditate or go for a long walk,
reflect on who you are and your achievements today.
Always be good to yourself and feed your soul with a healthy dose of hugs.
Celebrate who you are and what you've done.
Today is Chicken Soup For The Soul Day.
Have a healthy soul-filled day!
Whether you pick up a book, meditate or go for a long walk,
reflect on who you are and your achievements today.
Always be good to yourself and feed your soul with a healthy dose of hugs.
Celebrate who you are and what you've done.
Today is Chicken Soup For The Soul Day.
Have a healthy soul-filled day!
🇺🇸Monday, November 11, 2024🇺🇸
Today we honor everyone, human and canine, who served in the military.
We are forever grateful for their service to keep us free and safe.
They're our heroes!
Thank you!
The Dagger Family
Today we honor everyone, human and canine, who served in the military.
We are forever grateful for their service to keep us free and safe.
They're our heroes!
Thank you!
The Dagger Family
🇺🇸Sunday, November 10, 2024🇺🇸
Today is National Forget-Me-Not Day.
It reminds Americans of the sacrifices returning soldiers have made of body, blood, and limb. We willl always honor their sacrifice and service.
We are so very grateful to them.
xoxo Picasso & Barney and the entire Dagger Family
Today is National Forget-Me-Not Day.
It reminds Americans of the sacrifices returning soldiers have made of body, blood, and limb. We willl always honor their sacrifice and service.
We are so very grateful to them.
xoxo Picasso & Barney and the entire Dagger Family
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Bringing smiles to the faces of people is what has and is always needed. Sometimes we find it hard to smile when we're sad or lonely.
But, adding a Canine Companions Therapy Dog to a persons life,
inevitably brings a smile every time.
Picasso visited the Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville yesterday.
It was a most gratifying visit.
So many smiles.
So many kisses.
Try to share your smile with someone today😊
😊Happy Saturday, everyone!😊
Bringing smiles to the faces of people is what has and is always needed. Sometimes we find it hard to smile when we're sad or lonely.
But, adding a Canine Companions Therapy Dog to a persons life,
inevitably brings a smile every time.
Picasso visited the Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville yesterday.
It was a most gratifying visit.
So many smiles.
So many kisses.
Try to share your smile with someone today😊
😊Happy Saturday, everyone!😊
Friday, November 8, 2024
“Take a break and enjoy a walk.
Walks walked fast or slow will help us see the world in a different light.
Nature has a great way of helping us witness just how beautiful our world is. Enjoy your walk!
We’ll enjoy our walk too!”
“Take a break and enjoy a walk.
Walks walked fast or slow will help us see the world in a different light.
Nature has a great way of helping us witness just how beautiful our world is. Enjoy your walk!
We’ll enjoy our walk too!”
Thursday, November 7, 2024
"Happy Thankful Thursday.
No matter how things go...there's always something to be thankful for.
Even the tiny little things like leaning on someone
or knowing that there's a friendly ear to listen.
Recognize them and be thankful for even the tiny little things.
xoxo Picasso and Barney"
"Happy Thankful Thursday.
No matter how things go...there's always something to be thankful for.
Even the tiny little things like leaning on someone
or knowing that there's a friendly ear to listen.
Recognize them and be thankful for even the tiny little things.
xoxo Picasso and Barney"
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
"Yesterday is gone.
Tomorrow has not yet come.
We have only today.
Let us begin!..."
Today is Stress Awareness Day. May you have a stress free day and
May you do something lovely for yourself."
"Yesterday is gone.
Tomorrow has not yet come.
We have only today.
Let us begin!..."
Today is Stress Awareness Day. May you have a stress free day and
May you do something lovely for yourself."
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Happy Tongue Out Tuesday
Remember you're PAWsome!
xoxo Superman Canine Companions Therapy Dog Picasso
Happy Tongue Out Tuesday
Remember you're PAWsome!
xoxo Superman Canine Companions Therapy Dog Picasso
Monday, November 4, 2024
Happy Monday!!
New Week🥰
New energy🥰
New blessings.🥰
New Opportunities🥰
Go for it!
Happy Monday!!
New Week🥰
New energy🥰
New blessings.🥰
New Opportunities🥰
Go for it!
Sunday, November 3, 2024
"Today we get to sleep one whole extra hour!!
Yippee! Woo! Hoo!
Now we just have to tell our bodies that we get one extra hour today.
Summer is officially over here in New York.
It's the end of Daylight Savings Time.
It may get confusing to us, dogs, and small children because our bodies will need to adjust to the new time change. But, in no time we will adjust.
Have a great Sunday and remember to fall back
xoxo Picasso & Barney"
"Today we get to sleep one whole extra hour!!
Yippee! Woo! Hoo!
Now we just have to tell our bodies that we get one extra hour today.
Summer is officially over here in New York.
It's the end of Daylight Savings Time.
It may get confusing to us, dogs, and small children because our bodies will need to adjust to the new time change. But, in no time we will adjust.
Have a great Sunday and remember to fall back
xoxo Picasso & Barney"
Saturday, November 2, 2024
"Love comes in all shapes and sizes...even covered in fur 🥰
"Love comes in all shapes and sizes...even covered in fur 🥰
Friday, November 1, 2024
Happy Cook for your pet day! Do you cook for your pets?
If so, what do they enjoy eating?
I like to add some healthy, home cooked food to their kibble.
I also add omega fish oil and Fortiflora to their breakfast.
They love it and it makes me feel good knowing
that they’re getting a well balanced diet.
Happy Cook for your pet day! Do you cook for your pets?
If so, what do they enjoy eating?
I like to add some healthy, home cooked food to their kibble.
I also add omega fish oil and Fortiflora to their breakfast.
They love it and it makes me feel good knowing
that they’re getting a well balanced diet.
Thursday, October 31. 2024
Happy Halloween to everyone!!
Be safe. Please take care of your dogs.
Make sure that they are secure and please keep candy... especially chocolate... away from them.
xoxo Picasso & Barney
Happy Halloween to everyone!!
Be safe. Please take care of your dogs.
Make sure that they are secure and please keep candy... especially chocolate... away from them.
xoxo Picasso & Barney
Wednesday, October 29, 2024
"The only thing that scares me about Halloween is Picasso's pumpkin hat.
That thing is very, very scary! Have a happy Wellness Wednesday, everyone.
xoxo Barney"
"The only thing that scares me about Halloween is Picasso's pumpkin hat.
That thing is very, very scary! Have a happy Wellness Wednesday, everyone.
xoxo Barney"
Tuesday, October 28, 2024
Meeting new friends along the way
makes us appreciate the journey immensely!
Yesterday we had the great pleasure of visiting Plainedge High School.
It was Mindful Monday at the school.
They have a Mindfulness Room for the students. Isn't that PAWsome?
We loved it!!
Thank you Dr. Allison for inviting us.
Picasso met a lot of great new friends! So did I
Meeting new friends along the way
makes us appreciate the journey immensely!
Yesterday we had the great pleasure of visiting Plainedge High School.
It was Mindful Monday at the school.
They have a Mindfulness Room for the students. Isn't that PAWsome?
We loved it!!
Thank you Dr. Allison for inviting us.
Picasso met a lot of great new friends! So did I
Monday, October 28, 2024
May your Monday be the beginning of a week filled
with happy moments and opportunities galore.
xoxo Barney & Picasso
May your Monday be the beginning of a week filled
with happy moments and opportunities galore.
xoxo Barney & Picasso
Sunday, October 27, 2024
Is it Sunday Funday yet?
We sure hope so...we're just relaxin' before we begin PAW-tying.
Have a great Sunday, everyone...
Take some time to relax, rejuvenate, and recharge before you PAW-ty too!
xoxo Picasso and Barney
Is it Sunday Funday yet?
We sure hope so...we're just relaxin' before we begin PAW-tying.
Have a great Sunday, everyone...
Take some time to relax, rejuvenate, and recharge before you PAW-ty too!
xoxo Picasso and Barney
Saturday, October 26, 2024
"Happy National Pumpkin Day!!
We are a lovable furry deconstructed pumpkin.
Have a PAWsitively PAWsome Pumpkin day!
xoxo Picasso & Barney"
"Happy National Pumpkin Day!!
We are a lovable furry deconstructed pumpkin.
Have a PAWsitively PAWsome Pumpkin day!
xoxo Picasso & Barney"
Friday, October 25, 2024
"Happy Fabulous Friday!
Friday is a perfect day to let the joy of the weekend ahead jnfuse your day. Every success, every challenge faced, has brought you to this moment~
~enjoy it to the fullest.
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
"Happy Fabulous Friday!
Friday is a perfect day to let the joy of the weekend ahead jnfuse your day. Every success, every challenge faced, has brought you to this moment~
~enjoy it to the fullest.
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
Thursday, October 24, 2024
"It's Thankful Thursday!!
Count your blessings~~You will lose count of your troubles.
xoxo Barney & Picasso:"
"It's Thankful Thursday!!
Count your blessings~~You will lose count of your troubles.
xoxo Barney & Picasso:"
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
~Christian D. Larson
~Christian D. Larson
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Please continue to vote for us for the
Best of Long Island~ Talented Pets for 2025.
If you'd like to share with your family and friends we'd be so woofin' happy! Click the link HERE to vote.
Thanks so much!!
xoxo Barney & Picasso
Please continue to vote for us for the
Best of Long Island~ Talented Pets for 2025.
If you'd like to share with your family and friends we'd be so woofin' happy! Click the link HERE to vote.
Thanks so much!!
xoxo Barney & Picasso
Monday, October 21, 2024
🍎Happy Apple Day🍎
Apples are a great fruit to feed you dog in moderation.
Picasso loves them, Barney doesn't like them at all.
Barney looks at an apple with fear and uncertainty. I'm not sure if he just doesn't like the scent of an apple or the looks of it,
but it's clear that it's something he's definitely not fond of.
Do you like apples?
Write to us HERE to let us know if you have a
favorite Apple Recipe you'd like to share.
Have great Monday, everyone!
xoxo Yvonne
🍎Happy Apple Day🍎
Apples are a great fruit to feed you dog in moderation.
Picasso loves them, Barney doesn't like them at all.
Barney looks at an apple with fear and uncertainty. I'm not sure if he just doesn't like the scent of an apple or the looks of it,
but it's clear that it's something he's definitely not fond of.
Do you like apples?
Write to us HERE to let us know if you have a
favorite Apple Recipe you'd like to share.
Have great Monday, everyone!
xoxo Yvonne
Sunday, October 20, 2024
Happy Sunday, everyone!!
Be what you love to see in others and pass it on!
Happy Sunday, everyone!!
Be what you love to see in others and pass it on!
Saturday, October 19, 2024
Nose to the brush...Picasso is working very hard on his newest painting.
What are your planning to create on this Create Saturday??
Let us know!
Nose to the brush...Picasso is working very hard on his newest painting.
What are your planning to create on this Create Saturday??
Let us know!
Friday, October 18, 2024
Whether a visitor, delivery person, or family member is at the front door, anticipation and excitement is always expected by Barney & Picasso.
Whoever it is, they just caught Picasso in his pumpkin hat!
Happy Friday, everyone!!
Whether a visitor, delivery person, or family member is at the front door, anticipation and excitement is always expected by Barney & Picasso.
Whoever it is, they just caught Picasso in his pumpkin hat!
Happy Friday, everyone!!
Thursday, October 17, 2024
Please stay in my life forever because you're one
of the best things to ever happen to me.
Please stay in my life forever because you're one
of the best things to ever happen to me.
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
How are you doing today?
We hope that you're taking good care of yourself.
you're PAWsome & you can do anything you set your mind to do if you
Try, Try,TRY!!
Happy Wednesday!!"
How are you doing today?
We hope that you're taking good care of yourself.
you're PAWsome & you can do anything you set your mind to do if you
Try, Try,TRY!!
Happy Wednesday!!"
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
“There are days that are simply heavenly.
Yesterday we had the utmost pleasure of meeting the family
of beloved Buddy Mercury.
We’ve known each other for years now but never met in person.
It was PAWsitively magical.
They brought us some very special gifts.
Among the gifts were two of Buddy’s ties…Ties that he had worn singing.
We will treasure them forever!”
“There are days that are simply heavenly.
Yesterday we had the utmost pleasure of meeting the family
of beloved Buddy Mercury.
We’ve known each other for years now but never met in person.
It was PAWsitively magical.
They brought us some very special gifts.
Among the gifts were two of Buddy’s ties…Ties that he had worn singing.
We will treasure them forever!”
Monday, October 14, 2024
"Happy Columbus Day and Happy Indigenous People day
also known as Native American Day.
We are grateful to all who chartered
to help create our diverse and beautiful country.
A country we call America the Beautiful!!
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
"Happy Columbus Day and Happy Indigenous People day
also known as Native American Day.
We are grateful to all who chartered
to help create our diverse and beautiful country.
A country we call America the Beautiful!!
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
Sunday, October 13, 2024
Happy Sunday!
We're all decked out in our fall bandanas.
It's fun to get all dressed up.
Bandanas are a great way for us canines
to welcome a new season into our world.
Mom told us that we look very handsome in our fall bandanas.
Do you agree with her?
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
Happy Sunday!
We're all decked out in our fall bandanas.
It's fun to get all dressed up.
Bandanas are a great way for us canines
to welcome a new season into our world.
Mom told us that we look very handsome in our fall bandanas.
Do you agree with her?
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
Saturday, October 12, 2024
"Have a great day...
Remember to...Work Hard. Dream Big. And Never Give Up!
Love you,Daddy!
xoxo Barney & Picasso (and Mommy too!)"
"Have a great day...
Remember to...Work Hard. Dream Big. And Never Give Up!
Love you,Daddy!
xoxo Barney & Picasso (and Mommy too!)"
Friday, October 11, 2024
Just stopping by to tell you that you're WOOFderful
and that you can do anything if you Try, Try, TRY!!!
The Dagger Pack~Picasso, Barney, Eddie & Cassidy ~
Just stopping by to tell you that you're WOOFderful
and that you can do anything if you Try, Try, TRY!!!
The Dagger Pack~Picasso, Barney, Eddie & Cassidy ~
Thursday, October 10, 2024
📚We're like bookends.📚
Through the good and not so good days we have each other for support.
Picasso and Barney
📚We're like bookends.📚
Through the good and not so good days we have each other for support.
Picasso and Barney
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Sometimes all we need is someone to sincerely be there...
not for any particular reason...
just to let us know that we are supported and cared about.
Thank you for always being those someones.
Sometimes all we need is someone to sincerely be there...
not for any particular reason...
just to let us know that we are supported and cared about.
Thank you for always being those someones.
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Hero's are the people and animals that give their all
and try everyday to be the best they can be.
Today is National Hero Day.
Do you know of any heroes in your life?
Here's Superman Picasso and Popeye the Sailor man Barney.
They're some of our special heroes!
Hero's are the people and animals that give their all
and try everyday to be the best they can be.
Today is National Hero Day.
Do you know of any heroes in your life?
Here's Superman Picasso and Popeye the Sailor man Barney.
They're some of our special heroes!
Monday, October 7, 2024
If you haven't heard?
We've been nominated for the Best of Long Island ~ Most Talented Pet!
This honor is huge for us because everyday we've been trying to improve our skills as a painting team. Today begins a new week of being the best we can be and learning as much as we can.
We need your vote everyday until 12/15/24.
Will you help us and vote?
Remember to keep creating, learning and being inspired!
Happy Monday!!
xoxo Picasso & Barney
If you haven't heard?
We've been nominated for the Best of Long Island ~ Most Talented Pet!
This honor is huge for us because everyday we've been trying to improve our skills as a painting team. Today begins a new week of being the best we can be and learning as much as we can.
We need your vote everyday until 12/15/24.
Will you help us and vote?
Remember to keep creating, learning and being inspired!
Happy Monday!!
xoxo Picasso & Barney
Sunday, October 6, 2024
We are proud to be celebrating "Howling Talent Animal Day" today.
This day was created in loving memory of Dagger DogVinci. Its purpose is to shed a light on and celebrate all talented animals throughout the world.
Do you know of a Talented Animal you'd like to celebrate today?
Please tell us about him or her.
Dagger was born on October 6, 2012. He made history for being the most talented and award wining canine artist of his time painting close to 1,000 paintings and donating over $215, 000.00 to various charities in his life time. His legacy lives on through the kindness and generosity of the Animal Heroes Hall of Fame and Anna Roy.
We are proud to be celebrating "Howling Talent Animal Day" today.
This day was created in loving memory of Dagger DogVinci. Its purpose is to shed a light on and celebrate all talented animals throughout the world.
Do you know of a Talented Animal you'd like to celebrate today?
Please tell us about him or her.
Dagger was born on October 6, 2012. He made history for being the most talented and award wining canine artist of his time painting close to 1,000 paintings and donating over $215, 000.00 to various charities in his life time. His legacy lives on through the kindness and generosity of the Animal Heroes Hall of Fame and Anna Roy.
Saturday, October 5, 2024
Today is Do Something Nice Day!
Whether it's waiting your turn for treats or comforting someone in need,
today is a great day to do something nice for someone.
So, go ahead be kind today. Come to think of kind everyday!
Have a great day everyone and please remember to vote for us.
xoxo Picasso and Barney
Today is Do Something Nice Day!
Whether it's waiting your turn for treats or comforting someone in need,
today is a great day to do something nice for someone.
So, go ahead be kind today. Come to think of kind everyday!
Have a great day everyone and please remember to vote for us.
xoxo Picasso and Barney
Friday, October 4, 2024
Being positive doesn't mean you're happy all the time -
it means that even on hard days we still believe there are better days ahead.
Being positive doesn't mean you're happy all the time -
it means that even on hard days we still believe there are better days ahead.
Thursday, October 3. 2024
Happy National Boyfriend Day
Whether your boyfriend is furry and not so furry...celebrate him today!
These are my live-in fur boyfriends.
I love them both with all of my heart!
Have a great day!!
Happy National Boyfriend Day
Whether your boyfriend is furry and not so furry...celebrate him today!
These are my live-in fur boyfriends.
I love them both with all of my heart!
Have a great day!!
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
"Art is not what you see, but what you make others see." ~Edgar Degas
"Art is not what you see, but what you make others see." ~Edgar Degas
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Yesterday Picasso received Baseball Cards from Canine Companions.
They're really cool! I think Picasso really likes them too!
He licked them as soon as I showed them to him.
Well, it is Tongue out Tuesday after all!
Have a great day everyone🥰
My October Blog is just waiting for you to read! Click HERE to read🥰
Yesterday Picasso received Baseball Cards from Canine Companions.
They're really cool! I think Picasso really likes them too!
He licked them as soon as I showed them to him.
Well, it is Tongue out Tuesday after all!
Have a great day everyone🥰
My October Blog is just waiting for you to read! Click HERE to read🥰
Monday, September 30, 2024
Today is Monday!
It's the beginning of a new week and new possibilities for greatness! Remember: You're PAWsome and you can do anything you set you mind to do. So...Ready. Set. GO!
xoxo Barney & Picasso
Today is Monday!
It's the beginning of a new week and new possibilities for greatness! Remember: You're PAWsome and you can do anything you set you mind to do. So...Ready. Set. GO!
xoxo Barney & Picasso
Sunday, September 29, 2024
"Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax.
So, go ahead and give yourself permission to relax and rejuvenate.
You'll thank yourself for it!🥰
Have a happy Sunday!"
"Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax.
So, go ahead and give yourself permission to relax and rejuvenate.
You'll thank yourself for it!🥰
Have a happy Sunday!"
Saturday, September 28, 2024
"Hey, Barney!
I have great news!
We've been nominated for the Best of Long Island
in the Most Talented Pets Category!
Voting begins on October 1st, 2024.
I think that's PAWsitively PAWsome!
Will you vote for us?? Please??"
Link will be posted on October 1st🥰
"Hey, Barney!
I have great news!
We've been nominated for the Best of Long Island
in the Most Talented Pets Category!
Voting begins on October 1st, 2024.
I think that's PAWsitively PAWsome!
Will you vote for us?? Please??"
Link will be posted on October 1st🥰
Friday, September 27, 2024
Happy Scarf Day!
Believe it or not, Scarves have been around since 1350 B.C.
Our DogVinci Scarves are transposed Dagger paintings on linen handmade in Positano, Italy. Picasso and Barney are modeling two of the designs.
Click HERE to purchase one for yourself!
All proceeds go to charity
Happy Scarf Day!
Believe it or not, Scarves have been around since 1350 B.C.
Our DogVinci Scarves are transposed Dagger paintings on linen handmade in Positano, Italy. Picasso and Barney are modeling two of the designs.
Click HERE to purchase one for yourself!
All proceeds go to charity
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Picasso has brought heaven to earth with his newest painting fittingly named "My Blue Heaven." This spectacular painting measures 12"x12"
To purchase this painting click HERE
All proceeds go to charity😊
Picasso has brought heaven to earth with his newest painting fittingly named "My Blue Heaven." This spectacular painting measures 12"x12"
To purchase this painting click HERE
All proceeds go to charity😊
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
"Dream Big.
Work Hard.
And don't forget to have some fun!
Happy Wednesday. everyone!"
"Dream Big.
Work Hard.
And don't forget to have some fun!
Happy Wednesday. everyone!"
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Happy "Partial" Tongue Out Tuesday!
Enjoy your day and remember you're PAWsome and you can do anything!!
Happy "Partial" Tongue Out Tuesday!
Enjoy your day and remember you're PAWsome and you can do anything!!
Monday, September 23, 2024
It's Monday!
We're Happy!
We're Blessed!
We're going to do PAWsome things this week!
How about you?
It's Monday!
We're Happy!
We're Blessed!
We're going to do PAWsome things this week!
How about you?
Sunday, September 22, 2024
Ahhh...Its Sunday!
Time to Relax, Rejuvenate, and Recharge!
I hope you're doing the same!
I think that Picasso is dreaming of how PAWsome DogFest was yesterday!
He saw so many people and fellow fur babies.
It was such fun!!
Now it's time to rest. Don't you agree?
Whatever you do, rest and be kind to yourself
Ahhh...Its Sunday!
Time to Relax, Rejuvenate, and Recharge!
I hope you're doing the same!
I think that Picasso is dreaming of how PAWsome DogFest was yesterday!
He saw so many people and fellow fur babies.
It was such fun!!
Now it's time to rest. Don't you agree?
Whatever you do, rest and be kind to yourself
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Picasso has been painting his little wagging tail off on these 4"x4" paintings. They will be available for sale at
Canine Companions Long Island/NER DogFest
at Marjorie Post Park in Massapequa, L.I., NY from 11Am-2PM.
Each small jewel of a painting comes with it's own easel.
I will also be selling signed copies of my book "An Author is Born" there too.
So, come!
Come All to DogFest 2024!
xoxo Yvonne
Picasso has been painting his little wagging tail off on these 4"x4" paintings. They will be available for sale at
Canine Companions Long Island/NER DogFest
at Marjorie Post Park in Massapequa, L.I., NY from 11Am-2PM.
Each small jewel of a painting comes with it's own easel.
I will also be selling signed copies of my book "An Author is Born" there too.
So, come!
Come All to DogFest 2024!
xoxo Yvonne
Friday, September 20, 2024
Everyday is a gift.
Unwrap it and enjoy!!
xoxo Barney & Picasso
Everyday is a gift.
Unwrap it and enjoy!!
xoxo Barney & Picasso
Thursday, September 18, 2024
On Saturday, September 21st from 11am-2pm, I will be joining my mom at DogFest Long Island-Northeast Region.
We will be selling mom's book and some small paintings I've been working on.🎨
Please Join the Fun. There will be games for dogs and people, a Doggie Costume Parade with Prizes and Canine Companions Service Dog Demonstrations.
I look forward to seeing you all there!
xoxo Therapy Dog Picasso
On Saturday, September 21st from 11am-2pm, I will be joining my mom at DogFest Long Island-Northeast Region.
We will be selling mom's book and some small paintings I've been working on.🎨
Please Join the Fun. There will be games for dogs and people, a Doggie Costume Parade with Prizes and Canine Companions Service Dog Demonstrations.
I look forward to seeing you all there!
xoxo Therapy Dog Picasso
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Welcome to our world of kindness and love.
xoxo Barney and Picasso Dagger
Welcome to our world of kindness and love.
xoxo Barney and Picasso Dagger
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Does anyone else notice that Barney is the only one that knows that it's
"Tongue Out Tuesday?"
Oh, well...looks like he gets the "Tongue Out Tuesday" Prize...
And you know what that is...A kong filled with his yummy treats.
But...I'm a softie! They'll all get a special treat.
I can't stand the way they're staring at me right now!
Does anyone else notice that Barney is the only one that knows that it's
"Tongue Out Tuesday?"
Oh, well...looks like he gets the "Tongue Out Tuesday" Prize...
And you know what that is...A kong filled with his yummy treats.
But...I'm a softie! They'll all get a special treat.
I can't stand the way they're staring at me right now!
Monday, September 16, 2024
We are thrilled that Cassidy and Eddie will be coming over!
We have the best time with them!
Have a great Monday, everyone and
remember it's a fabulous day to start a fabulous week!
Time to sparkle and shine!
We are thrilled that Cassidy and Eddie will be coming over!
We have the best time with them!
Have a great Monday, everyone and
remember it's a fabulous day to start a fabulous week!
Time to sparkle and shine!
Sunday, September 15, 2024
Doesn't Picasso look cool in his shades and Royal Blue Felt Hat?
I think he does!!
Today is National Felt Hat Day.
Do you own a felt hat? If you do...enjoy wearing it today!
Have a great Sunday, everyone!!
Doesn't Picasso look cool in his shades and Royal Blue Felt Hat?
I think he does!!
Today is National Felt Hat Day.
Do you own a felt hat? If you do...enjoy wearing it today!
Have a great Sunday, everyone!!
Saturday, September 14, 2024
Today is a day to let everyone know how creative you are!!
Use your imagination...
Invent. Discover. Dream!
The world is just waiting to see what you're creating today!
Whether it's through art, music, sewing, knitting, gardening, bee keeping, cooking, baking, crocheting, writing, and on and on!
Challenge yourself and go for it!!
Today is a day to let everyone know how creative you are!!
Use your imagination...
Invent. Discover. Dream!
The world is just waiting to see what you're creating today!
Whether it's through art, music, sewing, knitting, gardening, bee keeping, cooking, baking, crocheting, writing, and on and on!
Challenge yourself and go for it!!
Friday, September 13, 2024
When we think positively,
even if things are challenging,
we can maintain a hopeful attitude to get through the negative feelings.
Today is Positive Thinking Day.
Thinking Positively means that we see the hope in every situation...
no matter what that may be.
It also means that taking care of oneself is very important.
Little steps.
Small achievements.
Self praise!
Go For It!!
You Can & You Will!
When we think positively,
even if things are challenging,
we can maintain a hopeful attitude to get through the negative feelings.
Today is Positive Thinking Day.
Thinking Positively means that we see the hope in every situation...
no matter what that may be.
It also means that taking care of oneself is very important.
Little steps.
Small achievements.
Self praise!
Go For It!!
You Can & You Will!
Thursday, September 12, 2024
"Today is National Day of Encouragement.
It's a day to remind everyone that anything is possible if you Try, Try, TRY!
I'm encouraging Picasso to paint a beautiful painting today and I will be right by his side giving him all the encouragement he needs.
Will you encourage someone toady, too?
xoxo Barney Dagger"
"Today is National Day of Encouragement.
It's a day to remind everyone that anything is possible if you Try, Try, TRY!
I'm encouraging Picasso to paint a beautiful painting today and I will be right by his side giving him all the encouragement he needs.
Will you encourage someone toady, too?
xoxo Barney Dagger"

Sunday, September 8, 2024 through Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Due to a death in my family (My brother, John, Passed away), I took a break from the "Message of the day."
Saturday, September 7, 2024
Barney had his Annual Check-up at the Park Animal Hospital yesterday.
He got a splendid report from Dr. Holly.
He was so happy to see all of his friends there...
Dr. Holly, Annie, Christina & Tara.
It was a great visit...and guess what...he weighs a whopping 63 pounds of love!! Have a great Saturday, everyone!
Remember to be kind and caring for others! xoxo Yvonne
Do you see the painting in the back?...that's a Beloved Dagger DogVinci Painting❤️🐾❤️
Barney had his Annual Check-up at the Park Animal Hospital yesterday.
He got a splendid report from Dr. Holly.
He was so happy to see all of his friends there...
Dr. Holly, Annie, Christina & Tara.
It was a great visit...and guess what...he weighs a whopping 63 pounds of love!! Have a great Saturday, everyone!
Remember to be kind and caring for others! xoxo Yvonne
Do you see the painting in the back?...that's a Beloved Dagger DogVinci Painting❤️🐾❤️
Friday, September 6, 2024
Yesterday, I received my third and final knee shot.
Picasso was there with me and even sat by Dr. Eric's side as I received my inoculation. Dr. Eric suggested that Picasso may want to give up his painting career for a new career as a doctor's assistant!
Picasso's giving that some serious thought🤣
Have a great Friday, everyone!!
xoxo Yvonne
Yesterday, I received my third and final knee shot.
Picasso was there with me and even sat by Dr. Eric's side as I received my inoculation. Dr. Eric suggested that Picasso may want to give up his painting career for a new career as a doctor's assistant!
Picasso's giving that some serious thought🤣
Have a great Friday, everyone!!
xoxo Yvonne
Thursday, September 5, 2024
Happy Thankful Thursday!!
I so thankful for my boys!!
I'm thankful for all of you too!!
xoxo Yvonne
Happy Thankful Thursday!!
I so thankful for my boys!!
I'm thankful for all of you too!!
xoxo Yvonne
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Unexpected fun is always a welcome happening!
We usually have the best time when it's least expected.
When fun calls...answer the call and go for it!!
Barney and Picasso love to visit with their cousins, Eddie and Cassidy.
Tails wag and happiness is evident from the smiles on their faces.
Unexpected fun is always a welcome happening!
We usually have the best time when it's least expected.
When fun calls...answer the call and go for it!!
Barney and Picasso love to visit with their cousins, Eddie and Cassidy.
Tails wag and happiness is evident from the smiles on their faces.
Tuesday, September 3. 2024
Today Picasso and I are going over to RXR to practice painting for his big night on October 9th. He's practicing for Canine Companions Gala Event "Sit.Stay.Sparkle." Picasso has been doing an excellent job demonstrating before some of the employees when we go over to practice. I'm so very proud of him!! Can you give him a word of encouragement?
xoxo Yvonne
To HERE purchase tickets
Today Picasso and I are going over to RXR to practice painting for his big night on October 9th. He's practicing for Canine Companions Gala Event "Sit.Stay.Sparkle." Picasso has been doing an excellent job demonstrating before some of the employees when we go over to practice. I'm so very proud of him!! Can you give him a word of encouragement?
xoxo Yvonne
To HERE purchase tickets
Monday, September 2, 2024
Happy Labor Day!
"The labor of what we create, build and harvest fuels our education
and inspires our dreams."
Happy Labor Day!
"The labor of what we create, build and harvest fuels our education
and inspires our dreams."
Sunday, September 1, 2024
Happy September 1st and Happy, Joyous Sunday! Hope you enjoy my new Blog...I ask the question:" If you were to describe yourself in one word...What would that word be?"...Take a read to see what my one word is...
Click HERE to read my blog.
Have a great Sunday, everyone!! xoxo Yvonne
Happy September 1st and Happy, Joyous Sunday! Hope you enjoy my new Blog...I ask the question:" If you were to describe yourself in one word...What would that word be?"...Take a read to see what my one word is...
Click HERE to read my blog.
Have a great Sunday, everyone!! xoxo Yvonne
Saturday, August 31. 2024
It's Create Saturday!
We're ready!
Are You??
Woof! Woof!
Have a happy creative day!!
xoxo Barney & Picasso
...Yvonne too!
Friday, August 30, 2024
Yesterday, I had the pleasure of having Picasso come with me to Orlin & Cohen Sports Orthopedic to receive my knee shot.
He was a complete angel.
I'm so grateful to our dear friend Dr. Eric Putterman for keeping me orthopedically sound so that I can continue to do our
Canine Companions Therapy Dog work.
Happy Friday, everyone!!
Yesterday, I had the pleasure of having Picasso come with me to Orlin & Cohen Sports Orthopedic to receive my knee shot.
He was a complete angel.
I'm so grateful to our dear friend Dr. Eric Putterman for keeping me orthopedically sound so that I can continue to do our
Canine Companions Therapy Dog work.
Happy Friday, everyone!!
Thursday, August 29, 2024
Every selfie tells a story.
Finding the words to match the adventure
can feel like a quest well worth experiencing.
Can you guess what our story is...?
Every selfie tells a story.
Finding the words to match the adventure
can feel like a quest well worth experiencing.
Can you guess what our story is...?
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
This is love! Pure and simple!!
This is love! Pure and simple!!
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Today is Just Because Day. It's a day to do anything you want...Just because!
We tend to do the things that are expected or required of us.
Today we are given the opportunity to do whatever we want.
You know, the things that we don't ordinarily do.
Now, if you look at these two fur babies,
I'm sure they're looking at me thinking...
"Can we go for a ride in the car...Just Because!"
Happy Tuesday, everyone!!
Today is Just Because Day. It's a day to do anything you want...Just because!
We tend to do the things that are expected or required of us.
Today we are given the opportunity to do whatever we want.
You know, the things that we don't ordinarily do.
Now, if you look at these two fur babies,
I'm sure they're looking at me thinking...
"Can we go for a ride in the car...Just Because!"
Happy Tuesday, everyone!!
Monday, August 26, 2024
Today is National Dog Day!
What do you think of this Dagger pack?
From Left to Right there's Barney, Eddie, Cassidy and Picasso.
Each is unique, each is special.
and each is happy to be sharing their smile with you😊
If you have a dog, celebrate him or her today!!
Have a happy , Monday everyone!
Today is National Dog Day!
What do you think of this Dagger pack?
From Left to Right there's Barney, Eddie, Cassidy and Picasso.
Each is unique, each is special.
and each is happy to be sharing their smile with you😊
If you have a dog, celebrate him or her today!!
Have a happy , Monday everyone!
Sunday, August 25, 2024
Reaching out to someone while the boys are resting
is a great way to spend a relaxing Sunday!
I hope you're spending your Sunday connecting and relaxing too!!
Happy Sunday everyone!!
xoxo Yvonne
Reaching out to someone while the boys are resting
is a great way to spend a relaxing Sunday!
I hope you're spending your Sunday connecting and relaxing too!!
Happy Sunday everyone!!
xoxo Yvonne
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Here they are...Picasso, the canine artist and Barney his muse.
They're an inseparable pair.
Picasso paints so well when his muse, Barney, is by his side.
I love to see them together,
Happy Create Saturday!!
xoxo Yvonne
Here they are...Picasso, the canine artist and Barney his muse.
They're an inseparable pair.
Picasso paints so well when his muse, Barney, is by his side.
I love to see them together,
Happy Create Saturday!!
xoxo Yvonne
Friday, August 23, 2024
According to the National Day Calendar,
"It's time to show the world how amazing our differences are and inspire everyone to embrace our quirkiness by sharing what we love."
Today is Find Your Inner Nerd Day.
My inner nerd is to dress up Picasso for this photo and many other photos in different hats and outfits for social media
and then think of a message to go with the photo.
What is your inner nerd?
"We all have a little nerd inside of us, and it's our unique quirkiness that makes us who we are."
Have a great Friday, everyone!!
According to the National Day Calendar,
"It's time to show the world how amazing our differences are and inspire everyone to embrace our quirkiness by sharing what we love."
Today is Find Your Inner Nerd Day.
My inner nerd is to dress up Picasso for this photo and many other photos in different hats and outfits for social media
and then think of a message to go with the photo.
What is your inner nerd?
"We all have a little nerd inside of us, and it's our unique quirkiness that makes us who we are."
Have a great Friday, everyone!!
Thursday, August 22, 2024
Picasso is doing an exceptional job as a Canine Companions Therapy Dog.
We are so super proud of him.
Today is Never Bean Better Day.
I've learned that Bean was a Therapy Dog who brought happiness everywhere he went. Like Bean, Picasso brings joy and comfort to everyone too.
Today we recognize the special gifts our dogs give us everyday!
Share your kindness today by helping someone
and by bringing a smile to someone's face!
Happy Never Bean Better Day!
Picasso is doing an exceptional job as a Canine Companions Therapy Dog.
We are so super proud of him.
Today is Never Bean Better Day.
I've learned that Bean was a Therapy Dog who brought happiness everywhere he went. Like Bean, Picasso brings joy and comfort to everyone too.
Today we recognize the special gifts our dogs give us everyday!
Share your kindness today by helping someone
and by bringing a smile to someone's face!
Happy Never Bean Better Day!
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Seniors offer so much to our lives.
Whether those seniors are humans or non-humans.
They add wisdom and a multitude of achievements to our world.
Today we celebrate all seniors.
Happy National Senior Citizens Day.
Seniors offer so much to our lives.
Whether those seniors are humans or non-humans.
They add wisdom and a multitude of achievements to our world.
Today we celebrate all seniors.
Happy National Senior Citizens Day.
Tuesday, August 29, 2024
It's Tongue Out Tuesday!
Have a happy day!!
It's Tongue Out Tuesday!
Have a happy day!!
Monday, August 19, 2024
Picasso is checking in to see if you're all ready for an exciting week ahead. Remember you're PAWsome and and just simply WOOderful!!
May the new week bring love, joy and plenty of blessing to you!!
Picasso is checking in to see if you're all ready for an exciting week ahead. Remember you're PAWsome and and just simply WOOderful!!
May the new week bring love, joy and plenty of blessing to you!!
Sunday, August 18, 2024
Barney & Picasso are good listeners! They heard that it's Relaxing Sunday.
It's PAWsome that they found a great place to get in a little R&R.
They're so smart!!
Are you ready to take a little time for some well deserved R&R??
We sure hope so!
Barney & Picasso are good listeners! They heard that it's Relaxing Sunday.
It's PAWsome that they found a great place to get in a little R&R.
They're so smart!!
Are you ready to take a little time for some well deserved R&R??
We sure hope so!
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Picasso is working on a new painting! He loves creating!
What are you creating today on this Create Saturday?
Creating can include anything you do that causes you to bring into existence something that you make or design.
It's something requiring art, skill, invention, writing, cooking...on and on! Whatever you do enjoy every minute.
Let your imaginations soar to unbelievable heights!
Happy Create Saturday!
Picasso is working on a new painting! He loves creating!
What are you creating today on this Create Saturday?
Creating can include anything you do that causes you to bring into existence something that you make or design.
It's something requiring art, skill, invention, writing, cooking...on and on! Whatever you do enjoy every minute.
Let your imaginations soar to unbelievable heights!
Happy Create Saturday!
Friday, August 16, 2024
Today is filled with laughter and smiles.
It's Tell A Joke Day! Can you tell us a joke?
Here's ours:
"When a dog sits on sandpaper, what does he say? Ooh, that’s ruff!"
What's yours?
Have a great Friday, everyone
Today is filled with laughter and smiles.
It's Tell A Joke Day! Can you tell us a joke?
Here's ours:
"When a dog sits on sandpaper, what does he say? Ooh, that’s ruff!"
What's yours?
Have a great Friday, everyone
Thursday, August 15, 2024
Picasso, Barney and their fur pal,Teddy,
are just relaxing on a beautiful sunny day.
It's a great day to slow down and take a little time to sniff the roses, the flowers, the grass, the trees and whatever your little nose wants to smell.
It's a day to think about taking care of ourselves and relax!
Picasso, Barney and their fur pal,Teddy,
are just relaxing on a beautiful sunny day.
It's a great day to slow down and take a little time to sniff the roses, the flowers, the grass, the trees and whatever your little nose wants to smell.
It's a day to think about taking care of ourselves and relax!
🌈Wednesday, August 14, 2024🌈
There's always a rainbow after the storm.
Stay strong, remain positive and be brave!!
Yvonne, Picasso and Barney
There's always a rainbow after the storm.
Stay strong, remain positive and be brave!!
Yvonne, Picasso and Barney
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
If you believe in yourself, you can accomplish things that will amaze you.
Just believe in YOU!!
If you believe in yourself, you can accomplish things that will amaze you.
Just believe in YOU!!
Monday, August 12, 2024
Picasso is ready for a new week of creating, learning and being inspired.
How about you?
Whatever you do...remember that you're PAWsome!!
Happy Monday!🥰
Picasso is ready for a new week of creating, learning and being inspired.
How about you?
Whatever you do...remember that you're PAWsome!!
Happy Monday!🥰
Sunday, August 11, 2024
Serving with love, a kind heart, and care is happiness.
True happiness comes to those who serve cheerfully.
Have a cheerfully happy Sunday everyone!
Serving with love, a kind heart, and care is happiness.
True happiness comes to those who serve cheerfully.
Have a cheerfully happy Sunday everyone!
Saturday, August 10, 2024
Guess what?! We're off today!! No work for us! It's National Lazy Day. So, go ahead... kick your paws back and relax.
We love this day!
It's PAWsitively PAWsome!
Have a great lazy day!
xoxo Barney & Picasso
Guess what?! We're off today!! No work for us! It's National Lazy Day. So, go ahead... kick your paws back and relax.
We love this day!
It's PAWsitively PAWsome!
Have a great lazy day!
xoxo Barney & Picasso
Friday, August 9, 2024
Curling up with a great book is simply woofderful!
My book "An Artist Is Born" is a PAWsome way to celebrate
National Book Lovers Day.
Picasso and Barney love when I tell them all about Dagger DogVinci.
I think that today I'll read my book to them again!
To purchase your copy of my book from Amazon,
click the link HERE
Curling up with a great book is simply woofderful!
My book "An Artist Is Born" is a PAWsome way to celebrate
National Book Lovers Day.
Picasso and Barney love when I tell them all about Dagger DogVinci.
I think that today I'll read my book to them again!
To purchase your copy of my book from Amazon,
click the link HERE
Thursday, August 8, 2024
🥰When we least expect it...Happiness Happens🥰
Today is Happiness Happens Day!
So,go ahead, seek it, revel in it and just let it happen.
Because whether we know it or not, it will tickle your fancy and without warning, happiness will enter your world.
When that happens, celebrate it!
🥰When we least expect it...Happiness Happens🥰
Today is Happiness Happens Day!
So,go ahead, seek it, revel in it and just let it happen.
Because whether we know it or not, it will tickle your fancy and without warning, happiness will enter your world.
When that happens, celebrate it!
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
I'm so very proud of Picasso.
He has been working very hard learning to perfect his painting skills.
He walks around the house holding his brush. He amazes me so much!
He's preparing for his big day on October 9th at
Canine Companions Gala at RXR in Uniondale, NY.
Click the link HERE for your tickets to this exciting event!!
I'm so very proud of Picasso.
He has been working very hard learning to perfect his painting skills.
He walks around the house holding his brush. He amazes me so much!
He's preparing for his big day on October 9th at
Canine Companions Gala at RXR in Uniondale, NY.
Click the link HERE for your tickets to this exciting event!!
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Create art that makes someone happy!
This is my newest Pet Portrait Commission of "Remy."
I loved painting Remy...she's a sweet beautiful girl!
Click HERE to Commission me to paint your pet!
Create art that makes someone happy!
This is my newest Pet Portrait Commission of "Remy."
I loved painting Remy...she's a sweet beautiful girl!
Click HERE to Commission me to paint your pet!
Monday, August 5, 2024
What do you think?
Are they working like a dog??
It's a pretty sad state of the house when neither one of my dogs is celebrating "working like a dog🐶 Day." And it's Monday too!
Well, Happy Monday everyone!
Remember you're PAWsome
and you can do anything you set your mind to doing!
xoxo Yvonne
What do you think?
Are they working like a dog??
It's a pretty sad state of the house when neither one of my dogs is celebrating "working like a dog🐶 Day." And it's Monday too!
Well, Happy Monday everyone!
Remember you're PAWsome
and you can do anything you set your mind to doing!
xoxo Yvonne
Sunday, August 4, 2024
Kindness is when others consider your feelings and communicate with you. Sometimes it just takes reaching out and connecting with that person. Reach out to someone today!
This photo is of Picasso doing his therapy work.
He loves reaching out to people.
He feels so connected to everyone he meets.
Kindness is when others consider your feelings and communicate with you. Sometimes it just takes reaching out and connecting with that person. Reach out to someone today!
This photo is of Picasso doing his therapy work.
He loves reaching out to people.
He feels so connected to everyone he meets.
Saturday, August 3, 2024
Did you ever notice that...
Everything comes just at the right time?
Woodrow Wilson once said,
"All things come to him who waits~provided he knows what he is waiting for."
Barney & Picasso had patience while
waiting for their salmon to cool down to eat.
Have a happy Saturday everyone!!
xo Yvonne
Did you ever notice that...
Everything comes just at the right time?
Woodrow Wilson once said,
"All things come to him who waits~provided he knows what he is waiting for."
Barney & Picasso had patience while
waiting for their salmon to cool down to eat.
Have a happy Saturday everyone!!
xo Yvonne
Friday, August 2, 2024
"Picasso is creating paintings to make the world beautiful!
Have a lovely Friday, everyone!"
"Picasso is creating paintings to make the world beautiful!
Have a lovely Friday, everyone!"
Thursday, August 1, 2024
My blog for the month of August is about hope.
The hope that lives within our hearts
and gives us inspiration, strength and peace.
xoxo Yvonne
Click the HERE to read it.
My blog for the month of August is about hope.
The hope that lives within our hearts
and gives us inspiration, strength and peace.
xoxo Yvonne
Click the HERE to read it.
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
"Happy National Mutt Day!
Saving a mixed breed dog is a very loving and noble thing to do.
Shelters are so full right now.
If you can or you know of someone that can...Please adopt!
Save a dog!
"Happy National Mutt Day!
Saving a mixed breed dog is a very loving and noble thing to do.
Shelters are so full right now.
If you can or you know of someone that can...Please adopt!
Save a dog!
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
"Life is way better with friends."
"Life is way better with friends."
Monday, July 29, 2024
Great & Exciting News!! Come join us to see Picasso paint at
RXR Plaza Uniondale, New York, October 9th, 2024~ 6 9:30 p.m.
For more information about the event and to purchase tickets click the link HERE
Event information:
Canine Companions Northeast Region Exciting Event!!
Join us on October 9 at the beautiful RXR Plaza in Uniondale, New York, for Sit Stay Sparkle! PenFed Foundation President and Canine Companions volunteer puppy raiser Andrea McCarren will be our Master of Ceremonies, with the help of her future service dog, Pilot! This exciting evening will feature live music; Picasso, the Canine Companions painting therapy dog; a delicious dinner with amazing wine, generously provided by St. Francis Winery & Vineyards; along with exciting live and silent auction items. Reserve your spot today and help us transform lives together!
Great & Exciting News!! Come join us to see Picasso paint at
RXR Plaza Uniondale, New York, October 9th, 2024~ 6 9:30 p.m.
For more information about the event and to purchase tickets click the link HERE
Event information:
Canine Companions Northeast Region Exciting Event!!
Join us on October 9 at the beautiful RXR Plaza in Uniondale, New York, for Sit Stay Sparkle! PenFed Foundation President and Canine Companions volunteer puppy raiser Andrea McCarren will be our Master of Ceremonies, with the help of her future service dog, Pilot! This exciting evening will feature live music; Picasso, the Canine Companions painting therapy dog; a delicious dinner with amazing wine, generously provided by St. Francis Winery & Vineyards; along with exciting live and silent auction items. Reserve your spot today and help us transform lives together!
Sunday, July 28, 2024
"I am thrilled to unveil Picasso's newest painting.
It reminded me of a ballerina gently waltzing across the canvas.
So, we named it "Ballerina Pawaltz."
It measures 12"x12" and is available for purchase with all proceeds donated to charity. Click the link HERE to purchase this absolutely beautiful painting... with every brushstroke painted by Picasso himself!
Have a splendid Sunday, everyone!
xoxo Yvonne"
"I am thrilled to unveil Picasso's newest painting.
It reminded me of a ballerina gently waltzing across the canvas.
So, we named it "Ballerina Pawaltz."
It measures 12"x12" and is available for purchase with all proceeds donated to charity. Click the link HERE to purchase this absolutely beautiful painting... with every brushstroke painted by Picasso himself!
Have a splendid Sunday, everyone!
xoxo Yvonne"
Saturday, July 27, 2024
"Well, Well, You finally arrived...Create Saturday!
We're ready.
Are You??"
"Well, Well, You finally arrived...Create Saturday!
We're ready.
Are You??"
Friday, July 26, 2024
"Friday is a day of hope and adventure.
It marks the beginning of the weekend.
You can either plan creative activities or you can plan to rest and relax.
You can even do both!
Whatever you do... remember there is no right or wrong plan.
It's all for you!!
xoxo Yvonne"
"Friday is a day of hope and adventure.
It marks the beginning of the weekend.
You can either plan creative activities or you can plan to rest and relax.
You can even do both!
Whatever you do... remember there is no right or wrong plan.
It's all for you!!
xoxo Yvonne"
Thursday, July 25, 2024
"Be someone's strength.
Be someone's inspiration.
Be someone's reason to never give up!"
Picasso has been doing so well with his painting skills.
I have no doubt that Dagger's Brush of inspiration and strength is working through him! I'm so proud of our boy, Picasso!
Have a great Thankful Thursday, everyone!
xo Yvonne
"Be someone's strength.
Be someone's inspiration.
Be someone's reason to never give up!"
Picasso has been doing so well with his painting skills.
I have no doubt that Dagger's Brush of inspiration and strength is working through him! I'm so proud of our boy, Picasso!
Have a great Thankful Thursday, everyone!
xo Yvonne
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
"There is always something to be grateful for.
We're grateful for all of you!
Have a happy Wednesday!!"
"There is always something to be grateful for.
We're grateful for all of you!
Have a happy Wednesday!!"
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
"Live you life creating as you go. You'll see the beauty that emerges when you glance at what you've created and feel really PAWsome about it!"
This is Picasso's newest painting! Do you see some irises??
He has been working on it for two weeks.
We named it "Depawstructed Irises."
It measures 12"x12."
To purchase this painting click HERE.
All proceeds go to charity.
"Live you life creating as you go. You'll see the beauty that emerges when you glance at what you've created and feel really PAWsome about it!"
This is Picasso's newest painting! Do you see some irises??
He has been working on it for two weeks.
We named it "Depawstructed Irises."
It measures 12"x12."
To purchase this painting click HERE.
All proceeds go to charity.
Monday, July 22, 2024
"It's always a lovely idea to start your week off on the right foot...or paw!
Keep in mind that you're brave, courageous,
and you can do anything you set your mind to do.
One step at a time!!"
"It's always a lovely idea to start your week off on the right foot...or paw!
Keep in mind that you're brave, courageous,
and you can do anything you set your mind to do.
One step at a time!!"
Sunday, July 21, 2024
"Sunday is a day to refuel, count your blessings,
relax, and know that you are amazing!
Happy Sunday, everyone!"
"Sunday is a day to refuel, count your blessings,
relax, and know that you are amazing!
Happy Sunday, everyone!"
Saturday, July 20, 2024
"We all have our gifts and talents.
Besides painting, Picasso brings joy, happiness and comfort to everyone he meets. As a Canine Companions Therapy Dog,
he has made a difference everywhere he visits.
Today is Be Someone Day.
It encourages us to make a difference in someone's life.
I think Picasso exemplifies what it is to Be Someone!"
"We all have our gifts and talents.
Besides painting, Picasso brings joy, happiness and comfort to everyone he meets. As a Canine Companions Therapy Dog,
he has made a difference everywhere he visits.
Today is Be Someone Day.
It encourages us to make a difference in someone's life.
I think Picasso exemplifies what it is to Be Someone!"
Friday, July 19, 2024
Picasso's rendition of Barney's ears!!
This was a moment event which will be hard to replicate!! 😄
Have a great Friday, everyone!!
Picasso's rendition of Barney's ears!!
This was a moment event which will be hard to replicate!! 😄
Have a great Friday, everyone!!
Thursday, July 18, 2024
"Do you think Barney dove in?"
"Do you think Barney dove in?"
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
"Happy World Emoji Day!!
Emoji, a Japanese expression, roughly means "picture word" and was created by Shigetaka Kurita in 1990. We use emoji's all of the time in our posts.
We think they're fun!!
Enjoy your day!!"
"Happy World Emoji Day!!
Emoji, a Japanese expression, roughly means "picture word" and was created by Shigetaka Kurita in 1990. We use emoji's all of the time in our posts.
We think they're fun!!
Enjoy your day!!"
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
"Please be kind today and everyday!
It's always best if we add kindness to our daily routine!
We do...we know you do too!!🥰"
"Please be kind today and everyday!
It's always best if we add kindness to our daily routine!
We do...we know you do too!!🥰"
Monday, July 15, 2024
"Here's Fire Dog Barney Dagger asking you to please consider your pets when planning fire routes and safety in your homes.
Our pets are as much a part of our family as any other member.
So, please, please protect them!!"
"Here's Fire Dog Barney Dagger asking you to please consider your pets when planning fire routes and safety in your homes.
Our pets are as much a part of our family as any other member.
So, please, please protect them!!"
Sunday, July 14, 2024
"Happy Sunday!
What a great day to get some rest and relaxation in!
You deserve it!
So, go ahead...find that place that where you can go and just relax.
It's the most productive thing you can do for your body and soul!"
"Happy Sunday!
What a great day to get some rest and relaxation in!
You deserve it!
So, go ahead...find that place that where you can go and just relax.
It's the most productive thing you can do for your body and soul!"
Saturday, July 13, 2024
"It's Create Saturday, Everyone!
What are you planning to create today??
Whatever it is, have fun!
I'll be painting another master piece.
xoxo Picasso"
"It's Create Saturday, Everyone!
What are you planning to create today??
Whatever it is, have fun!
I'll be painting another master piece.
xoxo Picasso"
Friday, July 12, 2024
"In the 1974 movie "The Little Prince,"
the Fox tells the little prince "
It is only with the heart that one can see clearly;
what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
He says that the most important things in life are non-visible.
Love, truth, and the soul or essence of another living being are all essential things that the eyes cannot see but the heart will know and understand.
Love makes a person responsible for the beings that one loves."
"The Little Prince" written by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
"In the 1974 movie "The Little Prince,"
the Fox tells the little prince "
It is only with the heart that one can see clearly;
what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
He says that the most important things in life are non-visible.
Love, truth, and the soul or essence of another living being are all essential things that the eyes cannot see but the heart will know and understand.
Love makes a person responsible for the beings that one loves."
"The Little Prince" written by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Thursday, July 11, 2024
"Guess what?
Today is All American Pet Photo Day.
Whether your pet is a canine, feline, pig, fish, bird, rabbit or equine,
get a favorite pose of your pet.
On All American Pet Photo Day, every pet gets included."
"Guess what?
Today is All American Pet Photo Day.
Whether your pet is a canine, feline, pig, fish, bird, rabbit or equine,
get a favorite pose of your pet.
On All American Pet Photo Day, every pet gets included."
Wednesday, July 19, 2024
"We walk because it's good for our health.
We also walk because breakfast will be ready
when we come home from our walk.
Now, that's good for our souls and stomachs!"
"We walk because it's good for our health.
We also walk because breakfast will be ready
when we come home from our walk.
Now, that's good for our souls and stomachs!"
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
"Our message today is simple...
You Matter!"
"Our message today is simple...
You Matter!"
Monday, July 8, 2024
"Be the kind of leader that creates other leaders.
After all, the role of a great leader is not to give greatness to others,
but to help them see the greatness that's already inside of them!"
If you said that Cassidy was the were right!!
Cassidy held onto the pull toy for dear life.
Barney, Picasso, and Eddie followed in pursuit.
She ran and ran high and low...and then when she was exhausted,
she let the other dogs have the toy.
Cassidy is a true leader!
"Be the kind of leader that creates other leaders.
After all, the role of a great leader is not to give greatness to others,
but to help them see the greatness that's already inside of them!"
If you said that Cassidy was the were right!!
Cassidy held onto the pull toy for dear life.
Barney, Picasso, and Eddie followed in pursuit.
She ran and ran high and low...and then when she was exhausted,
she let the other dogs have the toy.
Cassidy is a true leader!
Sunday, July 7, 2024
"Be the kind of leader you would want to follow!"
Happy Sunday, everyone!
This is Eddie in the front of the pack, followed by, Barney, Cassidy and Picasso. Who do you think they're following?
"Be the kind of leader you would want to follow!"
Happy Sunday, everyone!
This is Eddie in the front of the pack, followed by, Barney, Cassidy and Picasso. Who do you think they're following?
Saturday, July 6, 2024
"Sometimes we're fearful of things.
They can be small things or big things.
Nevertheless, they're there.
But having you next to me makes all my fears fly away.
You give me courage and confidence. I'm brave because of you!!
I love you!
🐾Barney was frightened by the noise of the fireworks on July 4th. It was so sad to see him so fearful. Luckily, Picasso was not affected by the noise which sounded like a war zone here where we live. I just wish that people would begin to consider the animals that get scared and confused by the loud sudden noises from the fireworks. I read on social media from a writer that perhaps instead of purchasing fireworks, people should buy bags of dog food for the shelters in their area thus making a difference. I think that's a great idea. What do you think?
"Don't make a noise...make a difference!"
"Sometimes we're fearful of things.
They can be small things or big things.
Nevertheless, they're there.
But having you next to me makes all my fears fly away.
You give me courage and confidence. I'm brave because of you!!
I love you!
🐾Barney was frightened by the noise of the fireworks on July 4th. It was so sad to see him so fearful. Luckily, Picasso was not affected by the noise which sounded like a war zone here where we live. I just wish that people would begin to consider the animals that get scared and confused by the loud sudden noises from the fireworks. I read on social media from a writer that perhaps instead of purchasing fireworks, people should buy bags of dog food for the shelters in their area thus making a difference. I think that's a great idea. What do you think?
"Don't make a noise...make a difference!"
Friday, July 5, 2024
"Making every job or task a pleasurable experience is PAWsitivily PAWsome, even if it means loafing around with your pack!
That's the best job and task!!
Have a great Friday, everyone!"
"Making every job or task a pleasurable experience is PAWsitivily PAWsome, even if it means loafing around with your pack!
That's the best job and task!!
Have a great Friday, everyone!"
Thursday, July 4, 2024
"Happy Birthday to the United States of America!
Today people from all over the USA celebrate this great day.
We are celebrating with a quiet day at home playing with our family members. Many dogs are afraid of the loud noise of the fireworks. We are fearful of them. So, mom and dad are keeping us in our air conditioned house with white noise in the background. Please make sure your dogs are wearing a collar with up to date tags just in case they get scared and run away. Many of our doggie friends get lost on July 4th and never find their families again.
Please be safe and care for your pups!!
"Happy Birthday to the United States of America!
Today people from all over the USA celebrate this great day.
We are celebrating with a quiet day at home playing with our family members. Many dogs are afraid of the loud noise of the fireworks. We are fearful of them. So, mom and dad are keeping us in our air conditioned house with white noise in the background. Please make sure your dogs are wearing a collar with up to date tags just in case they get scared and run away. Many of our doggie friends get lost on July 4th and never find their families again.
Please be safe and care for your pups!!
Wednesday, July 3, 2024
"We love green beans as a snack and mom puts a few Garbanzo beans in our food. Good news—most beans make the list of human foods that dogs can eat safely. With more protein than grains, these legumes are packed with vitamins and minerals that are healthy for dogs’ dietary needs (as well as your own). But not all beans are created equal. For instance, while green beans can make a great snack for your furry friend, baked beans and refried beans should be avoided because they include extra ingredients that can make your pup sick. And make sure that the beans you feed your dogs is salt free and cooked."
"We love green beans as a snack and mom puts a few Garbanzo beans in our food. Good news—most beans make the list of human foods that dogs can eat safely. With more protein than grains, these legumes are packed with vitamins and minerals that are healthy for dogs’ dietary needs (as well as your own). But not all beans are created equal. For instance, while green beans can make a great snack for your furry friend, baked beans and refried beans should be avoided because they include extra ingredients that can make your pup sick. And make sure that the beans you feed your dogs is salt free and cooked."
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
"The best feeling in the world is when someone you like a lot,
likes you back a lot!"
🐾This is Joan. I see her at St. Rose Church almost everyday.
She's a WOOFderful lady!
"The best feeling in the world is when someone you like a lot,
likes you back a lot!"
🐾This is Joan. I see her at St. Rose Church almost everyday.
She's a WOOFderful lady!
Monday, July 1, 2024
"Unconditional love is something that is given freely without limits.
It's the selfless act of loving someone with full acceptance and without expecting anything in return. Except, a belly rub or even a treat!"
Read mom's new July Blog
"Unconditional love is something that is given freely without limits.
It's the selfless act of loving someone with full acceptance and without expecting anything in return. Except, a belly rub or even a treat!"
Read mom's new July Blog
Sunday, June 30, 2024
"Gentleness wins hearts!
So, when you're sharing with others... do it with kindness and gentleness. Kindness does matter!!"
"Gentleness wins hearts!
So, when you're sharing with others... do it with kindness and gentleness. Kindness does matter!!"
Saturday, June 28, 2024
"This is my newest painting named "Happy Tales."
Isn't it gorgeous?!
Mom says she sees a lot of Happy Tales in it!
Happy Tales are stories that bring us joy, hope, and inspiration.
"Happy Tales" measures 12"x12" and is for sale on my website.
Just click the HERE to purchase it!
xoxo Picasso"
"This is my newest painting named "Happy Tales."
Isn't it gorgeous?!
Mom says she sees a lot of Happy Tales in it!
Happy Tales are stories that bring us joy, hope, and inspiration.
"Happy Tales" measures 12"x12" and is for sale on my website.
Just click the HERE to purchase it!
xoxo Picasso"
Friday, June 28, 2024
"We wish you all a very happy Friday filled with kindness.
Raktivist says that,
'Kindness is doing what you can, where you are, with what you have.'
We couldn't agree more!
It's always a good day when we're kind to others."
"We wish you all a very happy Friday filled with kindness.
Raktivist says that,
'Kindness is doing what you can, where you are, with what you have.'
We couldn't agree more!
It's always a good day when we're kind to others."
Thursday, June 27, 2024
"Now, that I'm a real canine artist,
I feel so cool in my sunglasses and blue beret.
I wish to thank everyone who has purchased one of my paintings.
Did you know that I give every penny to charity?...I love to give to charity.
It makes my tail wag knowing that I'm helping someone
whether it's a person or an animal.
Have a happy Thankful Thursday!"
"Now, that I'm a real canine artist,
I feel so cool in my sunglasses and blue beret.
I wish to thank everyone who has purchased one of my paintings.
Did you know that I give every penny to charity?...I love to give to charity.
It makes my tail wag knowing that I'm helping someone
whether it's a person or an animal.
Have a happy Thankful Thursday!"
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
"Arts & Crafts day!
William and Annabel both made posters about themselves! Annabel made a poster for her teacher, and Will made a game with code! And you can all create something if you be creative! You can create a poster about yourself to!!!
Now we would like you to please remember, CREATING IS CONTAGIOUS!!!"
"Arts & Crafts day!
William and Annabel both made posters about themselves! Annabel made a poster for her teacher, and Will made a game with code! And you can all create something if you be creative! You can create a poster about yourself to!!!
Now we would like you to please remember, CREATING IS CONTAGIOUS!!!"
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
"I've been working on several paintings and enjoying every minute.
Creating is a wonderful thing. It kind of gives one a feeling of purpose.
As I paint mom turns on the music that Dagger DogVinci used to listen to.
Now, it doesn't get any better than that!
Have a great Tuesday everyone!
xoxo Picasso and Barney too!"
"I've been working on several paintings and enjoying every minute.
Creating is a wonderful thing. It kind of gives one a feeling of purpose.
As I paint mom turns on the music that Dagger DogVinci used to listen to.
Now, it doesn't get any better than that!
Have a great Tuesday everyone!
xoxo Picasso and Barney too!"
Monday, June 24, 2024
"Sometimes we need someone to simply be there...
Not to say anything or do anything in particular,
but just to let us feel we are supported and cared about.
Lean on me..."
"Sometimes we need someone to simply be there...
Not to say anything or do anything in particular,
but just to let us feel we are supported and cared about.
Lean on me..."
Sunday, June 23, 2024
"Spending time with your pals is simply PAWsome!
Especially if it involves a birthday, treats, and hugs!
Happy Sunday, everyone!!"
"Spending time with your pals is simply PAWsome!
Especially if it involves a birthday, treats, and hugs!
Happy Sunday, everyone!!"
Saturday, June 22, 2024
"Hey, Barney!
Do you want to create and learn something today?
It's Create Saturday! So...Let's Create and Learn!!
What will you create today?
Whatever it is, it's sure to be a masterpiece!"
"Hey, Barney!
Do you want to create and learn something today?
It's Create Saturday! So...Let's Create and Learn!!
What will you create today?
Whatever it is, it's sure to be a masterpiece!"
Friday, June 21, 2024
"Mom takes us to work in her studio all of the time.
We love going to work with her! Do you bring your dog to work with you? Today is National Take Your Dog To Work Day. How are you going to celebrate? Are you going to take your dog to work today?"
"Mom takes us to work in her studio all of the time.
We love going to work with her! Do you bring your dog to work with you? Today is National Take Your Dog To Work Day. How are you going to celebrate? Are you going to take your dog to work today?"
Thursday, June 20, 2024
"Where we live, in the Northern Hemisphere,
today is the first day of summer🥰
We were told that it's the longest day of the year! Wow!!
That means that we have more time to have fun.
The National Day Calendar says,"With the Summer Solstice, the astronomical calendar marks the first day of summer as the Earth's axis is pointed toward the sun. It's rays more directly impact the Northern Hemisphere giving us more daylight and more warmth. It's a time when plants grow rapidly and animals are more active. That includes humans."
So get out there and enjoy the day!!"
"Where we live, in the Northern Hemisphere,
today is the first day of summer🥰
We were told that it's the longest day of the year! Wow!!
That means that we have more time to have fun.
The National Day Calendar says,"With the Summer Solstice, the astronomical calendar marks the first day of summer as the Earth's axis is pointed toward the sun. It's rays more directly impact the Northern Hemisphere giving us more daylight and more warmth. It's a time when plants grow rapidly and animals are more active. That includes humans."
So get out there and enjoy the day!!"
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
"Happy Wellness Wednesday.
Take a moment to connect with your mind, body and soul.
Embrace activities that bring you joy and a promote a sense of balance."
"Happy Wellness Wednesday.
Take a moment to connect with your mind, body and soul.
Embrace activities that bring you joy and a promote a sense of balance."
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
"Do you see the cardinal? I do!
Working hard and seeing great results makes the work well worth it!
This painting is named "Cardinal Knowledge."
It measures 12"x12" and is available for purchase right here on my web site
Click the link HERE to buy it.
In Dagger DogVinci's memory and legacy...All proceeds go to charity."
"Do you see the cardinal? I do!
Working hard and seeing great results makes the work well worth it!
This painting is named "Cardinal Knowledge."
It measures 12"x12" and is available for purchase right here on my web site
Click the link HERE to buy it.
In Dagger DogVinci's memory and legacy...All proceeds go to charity."
Monday, June 17, 2024
"Today is the day! You will be able to listen to our noted panel as mom and Anna explore the loss of our beloved pets.
It's a very special podcast.
You can listen to it on, Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
Then watch "Shelter Me`Dog Mountain"
on June 18th at 5PM ET on WLIW/21 in NY.
🐾If you live outside the NY area, there will be a special airing from today until June 28th where everyone across the world will be able to tune into seeing the show "Shelter Me~Dog Mountain" by going to Howling or This is very exciting news. We hope you'll tune in!"
"Today is the day! You will be able to listen to our noted panel as mom and Anna explore the loss of our beloved pets.
It's a very special podcast.
You can listen to it on, Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
Then watch "Shelter Me`Dog Mountain"
on June 18th at 5PM ET on WLIW/21 in NY.
🐾If you live outside the NY area, there will be a special airing from today until June 28th where everyone across the world will be able to tune into seeing the show "Shelter Me~Dog Mountain" by going to Howling or This is very exciting news. We hope you'll tune in!"
Sunday, June 16, 2024
"Dad's are those special people who know when we need a walk, a treat, and a hug! Today is a day to show our gratitude to our dad for all of those walks when he was to tired and all of the hugs he knew we needed. Thank you dad!
Happy Father's Day to all dad's out there...furry and not so furry!
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
"Dad's are those special people who know when we need a walk, a treat, and a hug! Today is a day to show our gratitude to our dad for all of those walks when he was to tired and all of the hugs he knew we needed. Thank you dad!
Happy Father's Day to all dad's out there...furry and not so furry!
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
Saturday, June 15, 2024
"Being a Lifeguard is a very serious job!
But, somebody has to do it.
Plus, we get a chance to sit by the pool.
Makes life guarding a woofderful job!
Happy Saturday!"
"Being a Lifeguard is a very serious job!
But, somebody has to do it.
Plus, we get a chance to sit by the pool.
Makes life guarding a woofderful job!
Happy Saturday!"
Friday, June 14, 2024
"Hello, Friday!!
Where have you been?
We've been waiting for you all week...
Woof! It's time for a little rest and relaxation!
Why don't you take a break too! Woof! Woof!
"Hello, Friday!!
Where have you been?
We've been waiting for you all week...
Woof! It's time for a little rest and relaxation!
Why don't you take a break too! Woof! Woof!
Thursday, June 13, 2024
Exciting News! Save the Dates!
On Monday, June 17th "Howling Talent" Podcast
will share profound and poignant feelings from our noted panel as we discover how we can be grateful for the grief we feel from the loss of our beloved pet.
On Tuesday, June 18th at 5Pm on WLIW/21 "Shelter Me: Dog Mountain" Producers Steven Latham and Conrad Stanley take us on a journey to a place that's know as the "happiest place in the world to be sad. It's a place to honor the special relationships we have with our dogs."
Please Tune in!
Exciting News! Save the Dates!
On Monday, June 17th "Howling Talent" Podcast
will share profound and poignant feelings from our noted panel as we discover how we can be grateful for the grief we feel from the loss of our beloved pet.
On Tuesday, June 18th at 5Pm on WLIW/21 "Shelter Me: Dog Mountain" Producers Steven Latham and Conrad Stanley take us on a journey to a place that's know as the "happiest place in the world to be sad. It's a place to honor the special relationships we have with our dogs."
Please Tune in!
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
"Being grateful for every little thing even the 'Likes' we receive on social media is woofderful. Every like and every follow makes our tail wag!
Thank you for being our friends. We are grateful for you!!
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
"Being grateful for every little thing even the 'Likes' we receive on social media is woofderful. Every like and every follow makes our tail wag!
Thank you for being our friends. We are grateful for you!!
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
"Today is Making Life Beautiful Day!
From a kind word to a beautiful creation,
the world needs everyone to make life beautiful.
Just one small gesture is all it takes.
If everyone did just that...our world would be a beautiful place!
Let us know what you're doing to make life beautiful.
Have a happy Tuesday, everyone 🥰🥰"
"Today is Making Life Beautiful Day!
From a kind word to a beautiful creation,
the world needs everyone to make life beautiful.
Just one small gesture is all it takes.
If everyone did just that...our world would be a beautiful place!
Let us know what you're doing to make life beautiful.
Have a happy Tuesday, everyone 🥰🥰"
Monday, June 10, 2024
"Look at what mom and dad found!
A Picasso melon.
Dogs can eat melon in moderation.
Picasso melons are very sweet...just like my brother Picasso 🥰
Have a great Monday, everyone!!"
"Look at what mom and dad found!
A Picasso melon.
Dogs can eat melon in moderation.
Picasso melons are very sweet...just like my brother Picasso 🥰
Have a great Monday, everyone!!"
Sunday, June 9, 2024
"It's always fun to have a pal come to visit.
This is Eloise. She's our cousin and she's a pretty cool miniature schnauzer.
Our little pack was deciding on who was the alpha dog.
We think it was clearly Eloise!
Have a happy Sunday, everyone!"
"It's always fun to have a pal come to visit.
This is Eloise. She's our cousin and she's a pretty cool miniature schnauzer.
Our little pack was deciding on who was the alpha dog.
We think it was clearly Eloise!
Have a happy Sunday, everyone!"
Saturday, June 8, 2024
"There's always a reason to smile😊 AND The reason is YOU!!
I met These Grand Avenue Middle School teachers,
Danielle Inzerillo and Briana Rubenstein, while I was doing my Canine Companions Therapy Dog work with mom.
They made me smile...Smiling is contagious...
Can you spread your smile today?"
"There's always a reason to smile😊 AND The reason is YOU!!
I met These Grand Avenue Middle School teachers,
Danielle Inzerillo and Briana Rubenstein, while I was doing my Canine Companions Therapy Dog work with mom.
They made me smile...Smiling is contagious...
Can you spread your smile today?"
Friday, June 7, 2024
"Side by Side and Brush to Brush... always heart to heart."
We are so grateful to Kathy Geis for purchasing a Dagger DogVinci painting years ago and now for being the first owner of a Picasso!
"Side by Side and Brush to Brush... always heart to heart."
We are so grateful to Kathy Geis for purchasing a Dagger DogVinci painting years ago and now for being the first owner of a Picasso!
Thursday, June 6, 2024
"Practice makes perfect!
Everyday when we go to St. Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church, Massapequa mom and I practice my sitting as we approach the altar.
I think I'm getting much better at it!
What do you think?
Have a great Thursday everyone!
And Happy Thankful Thursday!"
"Practice makes perfect!
Everyday when we go to St. Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church, Massapequa mom and I practice my sitting as we approach the altar.
I think I'm getting much better at it!
What do you think?
Have a great Thursday everyone!
And Happy Thankful Thursday!"
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
"We are two cool dudes. Are you a cool dude too???
Have a happy Wednesday, everyone!!"
"We are two cool dudes. Are you a cool dude too???
Have a happy Wednesday, everyone!!"
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
"Making friends is so much fun!
We went to Unqua Elementary School in Massapequa, NY yesterday.
I met so many fabulous students and faculty.
Today I'm going back to visit the 3rd and 4th Grades!!
I can't wait!
Mom and I love doing our therapy work!!"
"Making friends is so much fun!
We went to Unqua Elementary School in Massapequa, NY yesterday.
I met so many fabulous students and faculty.
Today I'm going back to visit the 3rd and 4th Grades!!
I can't wait!
Mom and I love doing our therapy work!!"
Monday, June 3, 2024
"Life is good when you're surrounded by love!
This is mom with some of her furry grandkids...Jackson and George.
We had a howl of a time with them yesterday. They're so much fun!
Have a great Monday everyone!
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
"Life is good when you're surrounded by love!
This is mom with some of her furry grandkids...Jackson and George.
We had a howl of a time with them yesterday. They're so much fun!
Have a great Monday everyone!
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
June 2, 2024
"Great friends are like precious diamonds...rare and beautiful!
Many thanks to Ellen Barbara Lockwood for visiting us yesterday to teach us how to bow. It was so much fun learning and cuddling with them.
We love you, Ellen and Barbara!
You're the BEST!!
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
"Great friends are like precious diamonds...rare and beautiful!
Many thanks to Ellen Barbara Lockwood for visiting us yesterday to teach us how to bow. It was so much fun learning and cuddling with them.
We love you, Ellen and Barbara!
You're the BEST!!
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
June 1, 2024
"The eyes are the windows of the heart and soul.
Love, hope and peace is what we see in yours❤️
xoxo Picasso and friends🥰"
"The eyes are the windows of the heart and soul.
Love, hope and peace is what we see in yours❤️
xoxo Picasso and friends🥰"
Friday, May 31, 2024
"To be kind and loving is simple...Just add gratitude to your vocabulary.
When we're grateful, being kind and loving is simple!
I visited Grand Avenue Middle School in Bellmore, NY yesterday.
All of the students were so kind and loving towards me.
I loved visiting with them.
Mom and I thank their English Teacher Meghan Dagger for inviting us.
It was PAWsome!
Team Picasso”
"To be kind and loving is simple...Just add gratitude to your vocabulary.
When we're grateful, being kind and loving is simple!
I visited Grand Avenue Middle School in Bellmore, NY yesterday.
All of the students were so kind and loving towards me.
I loved visiting with them.
Mom and I thank their English Teacher Meghan Dagger for inviting us.
It was PAWsome!
Team Picasso”
Thursday, May 30, 2024
"I love to see the photographs mom takes of Picasso when he does his therapy work. He's really spreading kindness and love.
It's important that we all do the same thing!
Mom tells me that I try everyday to be kind and loving too! Do you?"
xoxo Barney
"I love to see the photographs mom takes of Picasso when he does his therapy work. He's really spreading kindness and love.
It's important that we all do the same thing!
Mom tells me that I try everyday to be kind and loving too! Do you?"
xoxo Barney
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
“Bringing happiness and joy makes my tail wag!
It’s easy…I just smile:)
It works every time I love doing my Canine Companions Therapy Work.
I get to meet so many wonderful people!
“Bringing happiness and joy makes my tail wag!
It’s easy…I just smile:)
It works every time I love doing my Canine Companions Therapy Work.
I get to meet so many wonderful people!
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
"Yup! It's Tongue Out Tuesday! It's also a great day to be kind.
Kindness is one of the most important qualities one can have.
Today is a great day to spread kindness!!"
"Yup! It's Tongue Out Tuesday! It's also a great day to be kind.
Kindness is one of the most important qualities one can have.
Today is a great day to spread kindness!!"
Monday, May 27, 2024
"On Memorial Day we keep alive the memory of the human and K9 Soldiers who died to protect our Freedom.
May we never forget their sacrifice for us!
"On Memorial Day we keep alive the memory of the human and K9 Soldiers who died to protect our Freedom.
May we never forget their sacrifice for us!
Sunday, May 26, 2024
"I love doing my therapy work at St. Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church.
I think I'll just continuing making people happy and joyful.
After all, what else can a good looking handsome guy like me do??"
This is Paulette LaGumina and Lorraine Ippolito with me💞I love them!!
"I love doing my therapy work at St. Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church.
I think I'll just continuing making people happy and joyful.
After all, what else can a good looking handsome guy like me do??"
This is Paulette LaGumina and Lorraine Ippolito with me💞I love them!!
Saturday, May 24, 2024
"Happy Create Saturday!
Entering our studio space, we admire the painting I've been working on.
Tails wag and our creating, learning and inspiring session begins!
The fun starts as we enter our studio!
xoxo Picasso"
"Happy Create Saturday!
Entering our studio space, we admire the painting I've been working on.
Tails wag and our creating, learning and inspiring session begins!
The fun starts as we enter our studio!
xoxo Picasso"
Friday, May 24, 2024
"I'm tail wagging happy that I sold my very first painting to Kathy Geis!
Kathy told mom that she's going to hang it next to Dagger's painting on her wall. She even asked mom to give me an ear scratch and belly rub.
Now, it doesn't get any better than that!
Many thanks to Kathy for being the very first person to own one of my paintings.
100% of the proceeds go to charity."
"I'm tail wagging happy that I sold my very first painting to Kathy Geis!
Kathy told mom that she's going to hang it next to Dagger's painting on her wall. She even asked mom to give me an ear scratch and belly rub.
Now, it doesn't get any better than that!
Many thanks to Kathy for being the very first person to own one of my paintings.
100% of the proceeds go to charity."
Thursday, May 23, 2024
"I'm so proud of my brother, Picasso!
He traveled all the way into NYC to the Penn Club with mom and dad to visit and assist mom as she talked about her book "An Artist Is Born." While he was there he surprised everyone by doing a painting demonstration.
Happy Therapy Dog Thursday!"
Many thanks to Antonella Farro for arranging
and interviewing mom about her book.
"I'm so proud of my brother, Picasso!
He traveled all the way into NYC to the Penn Club with mom and dad to visit and assist mom as she talked about her book "An Artist Is Born." While he was there he surprised everyone by doing a painting demonstration.
Happy Therapy Dog Thursday!"
Many thanks to Antonella Farro for arranging
and interviewing mom about her book.
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
"Enjoy simple things
like green beans.
Be grateful
for green beans.
Relax and have fun
eating green beans.
Stop worrying
about whether you'll get anymore green beans!
And have a great Wednesday everyone!!"
"Enjoy simple things
like green beans.
Be grateful
for green beans.
Relax and have fun
eating green beans.
Stop worrying
about whether you'll get anymore green beans!
And have a great Wednesday everyone!!"
Tuesday, May 21,2024
"Happy Tongue out Tuesday.
It's a great day to be especially kind and overwhelmingly grateful!
We are!❤️"
"Happy Tongue out Tuesday.
It's a great day to be especially kind and overwhelmingly grateful!
We are!❤️"
Monday, May 20, 2024
"Mom has always had a soft spot for Animal Rescues.
Many of her paintings are narratives.
That means that they tell a story...a different story for each viewer.
She painted this work of art to bring awareness of the need
to adopt a shelter pet. If you can't adopt a pet,
you can volunteer by helping at your local shelter in many ways!
Today is National Rescue Dog Day.
To all of the people who have rescued or helped Ann animal shelter...
We are forever grateful to you."
"Mom has always had a soft spot for Animal Rescues.
Many of her paintings are narratives.
That means that they tell a story...a different story for each viewer.
She painted this work of art to bring awareness of the need
to adopt a shelter pet. If you can't adopt a pet,
you can volunteer by helping at your local shelter in many ways!
Today is National Rescue Dog Day.
To all of the people who have rescued or helped Ann animal shelter...
We are forever grateful to you."
Sunday, May 19, 2024
"We had our first ever playdate with our new cousin Cassidy Dagger!
It was such a great time!! She's full of energy and fun! Isn't she beautiful? Thank you Forgotten Friends of Long Island for making this rescue happen "
"We had our first ever playdate with our new cousin Cassidy Dagger!
It was such a great time!! She's full of energy and fun! Isn't she beautiful? Thank you Forgotten Friends of Long Island for making this rescue happen "
Saturday, May 18, 2024
“Happy create Saturday!
What are you planning to create today?”
“Happy create Saturday!
What are you planning to create today?”
Friday, May 17, 2024
"We just knew it!!
We knew that mom was baking us some homemade treats.
Do you want to know why we thought mom was baking us some treats.
Ok! Ok! We'll tell you!
Not because we're wonderful and perfect in every way...although that is true. It's because it's World Baking Day!
Will you bake something yummy for your pets and humans today??
"We just knew it!!
We knew that mom was baking us some homemade treats.
Do you want to know why we thought mom was baking us some treats.
Ok! Ok! We'll tell you!
Not because we're wonderful and perfect in every way...although that is true. It's because it's World Baking Day!
Will you bake something yummy for your pets and humans today??
🌳Thursday, May 16, 2024🌳
"We LOVE Trees!
There are so many scents and smells on trees.
Today is Love A Tree Day!
Trees are not only great sniffing things,
they also provide shade and add beauty to our world!
We LOVE Trees!
Have a great Thursday, everyone!"
"We LOVE Trees!
There are so many scents and smells on trees.
Today is Love A Tree Day!
Trees are not only great sniffing things,
they also provide shade and add beauty to our world!
We LOVE Trees!
Have a great Thursday, everyone!"
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
"We welcome into our fur family, Cassidy Dagger...
the newest member to the Dagger Jr. Family.
Cassidy was rescued in Georgia and came to Forgotten Friends of Long Island where she was adopted by the Dagger Family.
Since beloved Walter crossed over the Rainbow Bridge,
Eddie missed having a fur pal.
We can't wait to have a playdate with Cassidy!!"
"We welcome into our fur family, Cassidy Dagger...
the newest member to the Dagger Jr. Family.
Cassidy was rescued in Georgia and came to Forgotten Friends of Long Island where she was adopted by the Dagger Family.
Since beloved Walter crossed over the Rainbow Bridge,
Eddie missed having a fur pal.
We can't wait to have a playdate with Cassidy!!"
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
"Waiting and watching...
Patience is the key element of success!
Success for us is one word...TREATS!!
Happy Tuesday!"
"Waiting and watching...
Patience is the key element of success!
Success for us is one word...TREATS!!
Happy Tuesday!"
Monday, May 13, 2024
"Start your week on a PAWsitive note...
Remember how Amazing you are
and that great things happen when you think of great things!!"
xoxo Barney & Picasso
"Start your week on a PAWsitive note...
Remember how Amazing you are
and that great things happen when you think of great things!!"
xoxo Barney & Picasso
Sunday, May 12, 2024
"A Mother is like a flower each one beautiful and unique.
Happy Mother's Day to all mother's furry and not so furry"
Barney lost his flower...he's still looking for it! Once I'm done posing for this photo, I'll help him look for it😊 xoxo Picasso
"A Mother is like a flower each one beautiful and unique.
Happy Mother's Day to all mother's furry and not so furry"
Barney lost his flower...he's still looking for it! Once I'm done posing for this photo, I'll help him look for it😊 xoxo Picasso
Saturday, May 11, 2024
"Are you a dog mom?
Well, today is the day for you to BARK about it!!
Because today is National Dog Mom's Day.
Dog mom's are special people who take extra good care of us.
Today we recognize them and the bond dog mom's have with their fur babies! We ❤️ our dog mommas!!
"Are you a dog mom?
Well, today is the day for you to BARK about it!!
Because today is National Dog Mom's Day.
Dog mom's are special people who take extra good care of us.
Today we recognize them and the bond dog mom's have with their fur babies! We ❤️ our dog mommas!!
Friday, May 10, 2024
"If we cold see the miracle of a single flower clearly
our whole life would change"~ Buddha
Take a little time to smell the flowers! Happy Friday, everyone!
😊🌸😊🌸xoxo Barney & Picasso
"If we cold see the miracle of a single flower clearly
our whole life would change"~ Buddha
Take a little time to smell the flowers! Happy Friday, everyone!
😊🌸😊🌸xoxo Barney & Picasso
Thursday, May 9, 2024
"Just in case no one has told you today...You are AMAZING!
Have a beautiful day!!
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
"Just in case no one has told you today...You are AMAZING!
Have a beautiful day!!
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
"Hey Barney!
Did you hear?
Today's Forecast is: Good Vibes with a Chance of Good Times!
Woof! Woof!!
xoxo Picasso"
"Hey Barney!
Did you hear?
Today's Forecast is: Good Vibes with a Chance of Good Times!
Woof! Woof!!
xoxo Picasso"
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
"Oh, Hi!
We're taking a break from our playtime to let you know how
PAWsitively PAWsome you are!
Please take good care of yourselves and do something nice for YOU today!
We LOVE y0u!
"Oh, Hi!
We're taking a break from our playtime to let you know how
PAWsitively PAWsome you are!
Please take good care of yourselves and do something nice for YOU today!
We LOVE y0u!
Monday, May 6, 2024
"What do you think of Picasso's new Royal Blue Beret handmade by Ann Barile? I think it's super cool!!
I have a light blue beret! I'm not sure if I like wearing it (mom bought it).
It's cool too, but it flattens my starched ear. My ear is part of my unique personality including my poke a dotted legs...among other fabulous qualities! Mom says that I'm just too cute!!
Have a great day everyone!!
xoxo Barney "Rocket-man" Dagger"
"What do you think of Picasso's new Royal Blue Beret handmade by Ann Barile? I think it's super cool!!
I have a light blue beret! I'm not sure if I like wearing it (mom bought it).
It's cool too, but it flattens my starched ear. My ear is part of my unique personality including my poke a dotted legs...among other fabulous qualities! Mom says that I'm just too cute!!
Have a great day everyone!!
xoxo Barney "Rocket-man" Dagger"
Sunday, May 5, 2024
"Imagine with all your mind.
Believe with all your heart.
Achieve with all your might."
"Imagine with all your mind.
Believe with all your heart.
Achieve with all your might."
Saturday, May 4, 2024
"Woof! Woof!
Look at my bro Picasso paint!
He's doing such a great job.
I'm so proud of him.
If you're wondering where I am while he paints...
well, I'm either on the couch playing with a toy or standing right next to him.
It's always a fun time for all of us!!
Happy Create Saturday, everyone!
What are you creating today?
xoxo Barney"
"Woof! Woof!
Look at my bro Picasso paint!
He's doing such a great job.
I'm so proud of him.
If you're wondering where I am while he paints...
well, I'm either on the couch playing with a toy or standing right next to him.
It's always a fun time for all of us!!
Happy Create Saturday, everyone!
What are you creating today?
xoxo Barney"
Friday, May 3, 2024
"Keep going. Everything comes to you at the right time!
Happy Friday, everyone!!"
"Keep going. Everything comes to you at the right time!
Happy Friday, everyone!!"
Thursday, May 2, 2024
"Everyday I go to church with mom.
I love doing my therapy work at St. Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church.
Mom says that it's good that I'm making people happy while she prays.
Today is a National Day Of Prayer. People of many different faiths join in prayer on this day. Prayers of thanksgiving are so important!
Prayer helps in a time of crisis and need as well.
🙏🏻. ❤️
Happy National Day Of Prayer!"
"Everyday I go to church with mom.
I love doing my therapy work at St. Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church.
Mom says that it's good that I'm making people happy while she prays.
Today is a National Day Of Prayer. People of many different faiths join in prayer on this day. Prayers of thanksgiving are so important!
Prayer helps in a time of crisis and need as well.
🙏🏻. ❤️
Happy National Day Of Prayer!"
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
"Today is the first day of May! It's May Day in many cultures.
The National Day Calendar says about May Day that,
"One of the more popular rituals was harvesting flowers and giving them to neighbors and strangers in cone-shaped baskets.
These May Baskets become more commonly known as May Day Baskets.
That's such a PAWsome thing to do! Happy May Day, everyone!
Mom's May Blog is ready and waiting for you to read!"
Click HERE to read mom's blog
"Today is the first day of May! It's May Day in many cultures.
The National Day Calendar says about May Day that,
"One of the more popular rituals was harvesting flowers and giving them to neighbors and strangers in cone-shaped baskets.
These May Baskets become more commonly known as May Day Baskets.
That's such a PAWsome thing to do! Happy May Day, everyone!
Mom's May Blog is ready and waiting for you to read!"
Click HERE to read mom's blog
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
"Hey, everyone!
Today is a very special day!
Today we're celebrating adopt a shelter pet day!
It's a great day to think about visiting your local shelter to give a dog, cat or rabbit a forever loving home. Day after day beautiful adoptable animals are waiting and waiting for a chance to find a home where they can give and get tender loving care.
Please adopt. Don't shop!"
"Hey, everyone!
Today is a very special day!
Today we're celebrating adopt a shelter pet day!
It's a great day to think about visiting your local shelter to give a dog, cat or rabbit a forever loving home. Day after day beautiful adoptable animals are waiting and waiting for a chance to find a home where they can give and get tender loving care.
Please adopt. Don't shop!"
Monday, April 29, 2024
"Our business meetings usually end up being very successful.
We all get treats!
Woof! Woof!
Have a great Monday everyone!"
"Our business meetings usually end up being very successful.
We all get treats!
Woof! Woof!
Have a great Monday everyone!"
Sunday, April 28, 2024
"We love our human parents.
They take care of us, teach us new and exciting things and keep us safe...
but the greatest parts of having them as our parents are the walks with dad and the delicious food mom feeds us!! Oh, and they're fun too!
Happy National Pet Parents Day!"
"We love our human parents.
They take care of us, teach us new and exciting things and keep us safe...
but the greatest parts of having them as our parents are the walks with dad and the delicious food mom feeds us!! Oh, and they're fun too!
Happy National Pet Parents Day!"
Saturday, April 27, 2024
"Do you have a story to tell?
Our human mom did.
She wrote it in a book about a dog we have heard a lot about and can still sniff his scent in our house. Many of you know him as well.
Today is National Tell A Story Day. It's a great day to tell your own story. Storytellers express themselves from real life experiences.
What's your story...Tell it!"
Click the image to order yours!
"Do you have a story to tell?
Our human mom did.
She wrote it in a book about a dog we have heard a lot about and can still sniff his scent in our house. Many of you know him as well.
Today is National Tell A Story Day. It's a great day to tell your own story. Storytellers express themselves from real life experiences.
What's your story...Tell it!"
Click the image to order yours!
Friday, April 26, 2024
"The bond that we have with the children in our lives is so woofin' special!
They play with us and help take really good care of us.
Today is National Kids and Pets Day.
It's a day to celebrate this bond
and to bring awareness to how special the children are to their pets lives!"
"The bond that we have with the children in our lives is so woofin' special!
They play with us and help take really good care of us.
Today is National Kids and Pets Day.
It's a day to celebrate this bond
and to bring awareness to how special the children are to their pets lives!"
Thursday, April 25, 2024
"Being proud of someone you love is one of the greatest gifts you can give them!
I'm so proud of my brother, Picasso! He's doing so well with his painting.
And that's a gift!"
"Being proud of someone you love is one of the greatest gifts you can give them!
I'm so proud of my brother, Picasso! He's doing so well with his painting.
And that's a gift!"
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
"Having friends over is so much fun. Because...
Friends are the treasures that make life's adventures better!
Eddie came over and we had a ball!! He's a really cool dude!
Have a great Wednesday, everyone!"
"Having friends over is so much fun. Because...
Friends are the treasures that make life's adventures better!
Eddie came over and we had a ball!! He's a really cool dude!
Have a great Wednesday, everyone!"
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
“Today is Lost Dog Awareness Day!
Mom & Dad always make sure that we are safe and secure at all times.
They love us and never want anything to happen to us.
Mom has a couple of important preventative
things to do to help keep your dog safe.
Have a great day! “
“Today is Lost Dog Awareness Day!
Mom & Dad always make sure that we are safe and secure at all times.
They love us and never want anything to happen to us.
Mom has a couple of important preventative
things to do to help keep your dog safe.
Have a great day! “
Monday. April 22, 2024
“What matters most are the simple pleasures so abundant that we can all enjoy them...Happiness doesn’t lie in the objects we gather around us.
To find it, all we need to do is open our eyes.”
~Antoine de-Saint-Exupery~ Author:"The Little Prince"
“What matters most are the simple pleasures so abundant that we can all enjoy them...Happiness doesn’t lie in the objects we gather around us.
To find it, all we need to do is open our eyes.”
~Antoine de-Saint-Exupery~ Author:"The Little Prince"
Sunday, April 21, 2024
"Sometimes we need someone to simply be there.
Not to fix anything or do anything in particular, but just to let us feel that we are supported and cared about.
You do that for us!"
"Sometimes we need someone to simply be there.
Not to fix anything or do anything in particular, but just to let us feel that we are supported and cared about.
You do that for us!"
Saturday, April 20, 2024
"Today we celebrate all humans and animals that volunteer to help others make our world a better place.
The National Day Calendar says,"Every single one of us has been benefited from the work of a volunteer and Volunteer Recognition Day acknowledges the beauty of this phenomenon. Every direction we turn, we can do something outside of our daily list of requirements. As you go about your day, honor and thank those who go to the extra mile."
Yay to all Volunteers!!
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
"Today we celebrate all humans and animals that volunteer to help others make our world a better place.
The National Day Calendar says,"Every single one of us has been benefited from the work of a volunteer and Volunteer Recognition Day acknowledges the beauty of this phenomenon. Every direction we turn, we can do something outside of our daily list of requirements. As you go about your day, honor and thank those who go to the extra mile."
Yay to all Volunteers!!
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
Friday, April 19, 2024
"Hi there! We're stopping by to let you know how PAWsome you are.
Yes, YOU!
You're incredibly wonderful!
So, go and spread you kindness and charm where ever life takes you today!
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
"Hi there! We're stopping by to let you know how PAWsome you are.
Yes, YOU!
You're incredibly wonderful!
So, go and spread you kindness and charm where ever life takes you today!
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
Thursday, April 18, 2024
"Happy High Five Day!!
It's a fun day to High Five everyone you see!
Picasso is High Fifing mom.
I'm looking on because I'm still learning how to do a High Five!
Picasso seems to get it real well...
But I bet he can't keep one ear up and one ear down like I can!
We all have our own talents.
xoxo Barney "Rocket-man" Dagger"
"Happy High Five Day!!
It's a fun day to High Five everyone you see!
Picasso is High Fifing mom.
I'm looking on because I'm still learning how to do a High Five!
Picasso seems to get it real well...
But I bet he can't keep one ear up and one ear down like I can!
We all have our own talents.
xoxo Barney "Rocket-man" Dagger"
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
"Today is National Haiku Poetry Day. The National Day Calendar says, "Haiku poetry is a form of Japanese poetry that is non-rhyming and usually consists of 3 lines with a syllable pattern of 5-7-5. Usually, an element of nature, a season, a moment of beauty, or an individual experience inspires haiku poems. Sensory language is used to capture a feeling, image, or moment."
Can you create a Haiku Poem? This is the one that I created.
Have a great Wednesday, everyone and remember to be good to YOU!
xo Yvonne"
"Today is National Haiku Poetry Day. The National Day Calendar says, "Haiku poetry is a form of Japanese poetry that is non-rhyming and usually consists of 3 lines with a syllable pattern of 5-7-5. Usually, an element of nature, a season, a moment of beauty, or an individual experience inspires haiku poems. Sensory language is used to capture a feeling, image, or moment."
Can you create a Haiku Poem? This is the one that I created.
Have a great Wednesday, everyone and remember to be good to YOU!
xo Yvonne"
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
"My wish is for all of our friends to have a day filled with joy and happiness.
Picasso's wish is that I would get off of his paw. 😊
Really...we both wish everyone a PAWsome day! Happy Tuesday!
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
"My wish is for all of our friends to have a day filled with joy and happiness.
Picasso's wish is that I would get off of his paw. 😊
Really...we both wish everyone a PAWsome day! Happy Tuesday!
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
Monday, April 15, 2024
"Life is full of surprise happenings and serendipitous events.
It's exactly one year since I became Barney Dagger the rescue from Georgia! I've made a lot of friends.
I'm enjoying my new life with my forever loving family!
Can you congratulate me??"
This photo was taken on April 15th, 2023, the day I arrived from Georgia after a 24 hour trip in a crate in a van. I was so happy to be in my new forever loving home. Mom says she was happier then I was!!
xoxo Barney "Rocket-man" Dagger
"Life is full of surprise happenings and serendipitous events.
It's exactly one year since I became Barney Dagger the rescue from Georgia! I've made a lot of friends.
I'm enjoying my new life with my forever loving family!
Can you congratulate me??"
This photo was taken on April 15th, 2023, the day I arrived from Georgia after a 24 hour trip in a crate in a van. I was so happy to be in my new forever loving home. Mom says she was happier then I was!!
xoxo Barney "Rocket-man" Dagger
Sunday, April 14, 2024
When something is meant to be, it always works out!
We didn't know that we'd be brothers a year ago.
In fact, one of us was still awaiting to be rescued and the other was awaiting the next step to becoming a service dog.
Now we are madly in love with each other
and can't picture life without each other."
When something is meant to be, it always works out!
We didn't know that we'd be brothers a year ago.
In fact, one of us was still awaiting to be rescued and the other was awaiting the next step to becoming a service dog.
Now we are madly in love with each other
and can't picture life without each other."
Saturday, April 13, 2024
"Happy Create Saturday!
What are you creating today??
Even if you try something new let us know what it is.
Picasso's a newbie artist. He just keeps trying and trying.
I stay by his side because I'm his muse and I love him!"
"Happy Create Saturday!
What are you creating today??
Even if you try something new let us know what it is.
Picasso's a newbie artist. He just keeps trying and trying.
I stay by his side because I'm his muse and I love him!"
Friday, April 12, 2024
"Sometimes things just grab our attention
and we get carrier away in a great place!
Like this PAWsitively Beautifully painted horse did to us.
We tried very hard to pose for the camera in front of it, but it just grabbed our attention. So, we sort of posed for the camera and then sniffed and sniffed and sniffed...The posing didn't work out very well! But we got a lot of sniffs in!! Have a happy Friday everyone!!
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
"Sometimes things just grab our attention
and we get carrier away in a great place!
Like this PAWsitively Beautifully painted horse did to us.
We tried very hard to pose for the camera in front of it, but it just grabbed our attention. So, we sort of posed for the camera and then sniffed and sniffed and sniffed...The posing didn't work out very well! But we got a lot of sniffs in!! Have a happy Friday everyone!!
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
Thursday, April 11, 2024
"Happy National Pet Day!
Today is a great day to recognize all of those orphaned pets that may not have had the good fortune of finding a forever loving home.
It's also a great day to take extra care of the pets in our care.
We're PAWsitive that they'll go woof woof
with all of your extra love and attention."
xoxo Barney & Picasso
"Happy National Pet Day!
Today is a great day to recognize all of those orphaned pets that may not have had the good fortune of finding a forever loving home.
It's also a great day to take extra care of the pets in our care.
We're PAWsitive that they'll go woof woof
with all of your extra love and attention."
xoxo Barney & Picasso
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
"Happy Wednesday!
We're renaming this day as "Wee Little Bit Of Tongue Out Wednesday!"
Enjoy your day!
We hope this made you smile :)
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
"Happy Wednesday!
We're renaming this day as "Wee Little Bit Of Tongue Out Wednesday!"
Enjoy your day!
We hope this made you smile :)
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
"Did you wonder what it would be like to have a
different name other then the one you were given?
Well, today is the day to rename yourself. Because today is National Name Yourself Day. Our dad calls Barney "RocketMan" and our family calls Picasso "Pickles." We answer to both.
Mom calls the two of us "her babies"...
So...go ahead pick a name...any name that you like.
Enjoy your new name for a day!
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
"Did you wonder what it would be like to have a
different name other then the one you were given?
Well, today is the day to rename yourself. Because today is National Name Yourself Day. Our dad calls Barney "RocketMan" and our family calls Picasso "Pickles." We answer to both.
Mom calls the two of us "her babies"...
So...go ahead pick a name...any name that you like.
Enjoy your new name for a day!
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
Monday, April 8, 2024
"Please make sure you take really good care of your fur babies during the Solar Eclipse happening across the US.
Keep them indoors and provide distractions know like throw a ball in a room or plan a fun calm activity. We're going to go into the studio and paint! Above all create a calm environment. Watch for signs of distress.
Mom bought these Solar Eclipse Glasses just for us to wear in this photo.
We're definitely going to be staying indoors today!
Whatever you do stay safe!!
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
"Please make sure you take really good care of your fur babies during the Solar Eclipse happening across the US.
Keep them indoors and provide distractions know like throw a ball in a room or plan a fun calm activity. We're going to go into the studio and paint! Above all create a calm environment. Watch for signs of distress.
Mom bought these Solar Eclipse Glasses just for us to wear in this photo.
We're definitely going to be staying indoors today!
Whatever you do stay safe!!
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
Sunday, April 7, 2024
"Yappy Hours are fun especially on Sunday Funday!
Take a little time today to enjoy one another's company.
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
"Yappy Hours are fun especially on Sunday Funday!
Take a little time today to enjoy one another's company.
xoxo Barney & Picasso"
Saturday, April 6, 2024
"Celebrations are fun, but the rest afterwards is even funner.
Have some funner rest today!!"
These birthday bandanas were hand made by Carmela Kundrath.
She was a very special person to our family. Carmela created quilts and many other hand made beautiful things well into her 80's.
She was an inspiration to everyone she met. It was an honor to know her.
She's most likely smiling down from heaven knowing that her bandanas are being adorned by Barney & Picasso.
xoxo Yvonne
"Celebrations are fun, but the rest afterwards is even funner.
Have some funner rest today!!"
These birthday bandanas were hand made by Carmela Kundrath.
She was a very special person to our family. Carmela created quilts and many other hand made beautiful things well into her 80's.
She was an inspiration to everyone she met. It was an honor to know her.
She's most likely smiling down from heaven knowing that her bandanas are being adorned by Barney & Picasso.
xoxo Yvonne
Friday, April 5, 2024
"Some days are just perfect for playtime.
Especially when it's Friday and the day after our birthday too!!
Have a great day everyone!
Be good to yourself!"
xoxo Barney & Picasso
"Some days are just perfect for playtime.
Especially when it's Friday and the day after our birthday too!!
Have a great day everyone!
Be good to yourself!"
xoxo Barney & Picasso
Thursday, April 4, 2024
"Guess what? It's our birthday today!!
Picasso was born on April 4th, 2022 and Barney claims that he was born on April 4th a couple of years ago.
Happy Birthday to us!
"Guess what? It's our birthday today!!
Picasso was born on April 4th, 2022 and Barney claims that he was born on April 4th a couple of years ago.
Happy Birthday to us!
Wednesday, April 2, 2024
"Try and be a Rainbow in someone's cloud!" ~Maya Angelou
Happy Find A Rainbow Day! Create a Rainbow...Look for a Rainbow...Write about your experience about seeing a rainbow. Whatever you do, just know that rainbows make our world beautiful!
"Try and be a Rainbow in someone's cloud!" ~Maya Angelou
Happy Find A Rainbow Day! Create a Rainbow...Look for a Rainbow...Write about your experience about seeing a rainbow. Whatever you do, just know that rainbows make our world beautiful!
Monday, April 1, 2024
"We hope everyone had a nice Easter (if you celebrate the holiday).
It's the start of a new week, a new beginning and a new day to seize every opportunity available to you. Remember, you can do anything you set your mind and heart to do. So, get up, venture out, and make this day the start of something new and exciting!"
"We hope everyone had a nice Easter (if you celebrate the holiday).
It's the start of a new week, a new beginning and a new day to seize every opportunity available to you. Remember, you can do anything you set your mind and heart to do. So, get up, venture out, and make this day the start of something new and exciting!"